Junior London Algebra Colloquium

The Junior London Algebra Colloquium is a seminar series, run jointly by Imperial College London, Queen Mary University of London, and City, University of London, aimed primarily at giving opportunities to junior researchers in algebra to present to an audience of peers.  Attendance is welcome to all.

In Autumn 2023, JLAC will run at City, University of London, on Wednesdays at 3pm in room ELG12, Drysdale Building (unless stated otherwise). We will also be hosting the talks online. To access the online talks or to join our mailing list, please contact one of the organisers:

Please contact us if you are interested in giving a talk, in this term or another. We welcome speakers from anywhere in the world.

Upcoming Talk

Time:  Wednesday 29th November, 15:00

Location:  ELG12, Drysdale Building, City, University of London

Speaker:  Jamie Mason (Birmingham)

Title:  (2,p)-generation of exceptional groups of Lie type

Abstract:  Since Steinberg's original result in the 60s that all known simple groups are generated by two elements, much work has been done in the field of group generation. I will give a brief outline of some of the major results and other background in the field and then go on to discuss the specific problem of generating exceptional groups of Lie type by an involution and an element of order p. Hopefully, if time permits, I will give an outline of how one actually proves (2,p)-generation for a family of groups, namely the Suzuki groups.