Jumuiya Research Institute JRI

    A  Communiversity- Knowledge, Learning, Experience, and Practical Application


 Jumuiya  (Ju-moo-e-ya) 

In community; to be unified, to community merge (Kiswahili)  

 Mission of Project 

In our Communiversity, we educate and train people in the Black community to conduct their research and tell their stories on racial stress using Afrocentric methods to explore the impact of anti-black racism on Black wellness.

 Our Goal 

In partnership with the Black community, we offer African-centered research skills for career readiness and African Deep Thought identity education for intrapersonal and interpersonal agency.


Are you interested in learning how to conduct basic research from an African perspective?

 As a Research Assistant with Jumuiya Research Institute (JRI), you will learn 

Projects will focus on studying racial stress affecting our Black community. 

Research Assistants will operate as both participant observers and researchers. 

   Meet the Team