JUMP Math is an award-winning charitable organization that believes all children are capable of rising to their full potential through an understanding and appreciation of math. We empower teachers to maximize the abilities of every student in every classroom through a researched, comprehensive Grades K-8 math learning program and professional teaching resources and support for educators. We also offer resources for parents/guardians to help children with learning at home.

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Whether you are an educator using JUMP Math in the classroom, a homeschooler, or a parent/caregiver working with your child on math skills, the Resource Centre offers a range of free resources and support.

Founded in 2002 by Dr. John Mighton, JUMP Math has grown into a nonprofit organization empowering educators and students with an understanding and appreciation of math in the United States and in other countries worldwide. Equity is at our core. Our resources are structured to support every teacher to engage every student in every math class.

To help children overcome these barriers, JUMP Math uses a research-informed approach to teaching called, Structured Inquiry, which is based on the beauty and structure of math itself.

You can access JUMP Math wherever you are. JUMP Math collaborates with those advancing education around the world to foster human potential and well-being. We offer our math program and class resources to educators, students and parents in the United States and in other countries world-wide.

This is why we have partnered with Math Minds, a multi-year research study and collaborative partnership between the University of Calgary, Werklund School of Education researchers, Calgary area school districts, and JUMP Math. Through in-class research using JUMP Math resources, Math Minds has developed a unique model and professional learning course for teachers to more effectively teach math. The Math Minds partnership demonstrates how JUMP Math can be used in even more powerful ways for teachers and students. Check out our 90-minute session to learn more.

Efforts to improve mathematics achievement have focused increasingly on the early school years as early difficulties in mathematics have been linked to later academic and professional success. Individual differences in mathematical skill are already apparent upon Kindergarten entry and predict later academic achievement more strongly than early reading, attention, or socioemotional skills [9]. Persistent difficulty in mathematics is associated with lower rates of high school graduation and college entry and high school mathematics achievement predicts college graduation, career earnings and earnings growth [10, 11].

We investigated the effectiveness of JUMP Math (JUMP), a distinctive approach to math instruction, developed by a Canadian mathematician based on a wealth of experience working with children with diverse math skills and challenges [18, 19]. The program is fully developed for K-8 and currently reaches more than 210, 000 students worldwide, with rapidly growing interest in Canada and the United States. It has been adapted to meet regional curriculum expectations (e.g. there is an American common core version), translated into multiple languages including French, Spanish and Bulgarian (translation into Inuktitut, a Canadian indigenous language, is also underway), and aims to be affordable (JUMP Math is a registered charity). Informal study in diverse settings suggested the potential for a positive impact on math learning [19]. JUMP instruction includes problem solving but the program is distinct from problem-based learning, the prevailing approach to math instruction in a number of countries, and its key ideas are empirically supported.

The pilot study involved grade 5 teachers and students in a rural school board (district; SB1) in Ontario, Canada. Participating schools were randomly assigned to use either JUMP Math (JUMP) or their business-as-usual approach to math instruction (SB1) for about 5 months, including mandatory school holiday breaks of about 3 weeks. We tracked student progress in math achievement, collected demographic data from the teachers and solicited feedback regarding their experience working with their assigned curricula (see S1 Text).

Teachers were eligible to participate if they were accredited to teach in Ontario, in good standing, and did not plan to take a leave of absence during the study period. Eighteen JUMP and 11 SB1 teachers in the participating schools agreed to take part. As a group, the SB1 teachers had somewhat more teaching experience and somewhat stronger math backgrounds. (see S1 Text).

The math achievement outcome measures included the math fluency, calculation and quantitative concepts scales from the Woodcock-Johnson Achievement Battery (WJ-III [45]). We measured reading achievement with the letter word identification test also from the WJ-III, IQ with the Kaufman Brief Intelligence Test (KBIT; [46]), and verbal working memory with the backwards version of the non-word letter span test adapted from the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC-III [47]). We assessed math and reading achievement at baseline and post-intervention, and IQ and working memory at baseline only (see Table C in S1 Text).

As the figure shows, students who received JUMP instruction generally progressed more than their SB1 peers on all of the math achievement measures. The impact was strongest for math fluency, where the group difference was significant (mean change scores -.3 SB1, 2.3 JUMP, p = .001, ES = .7 math fluency; -2.5 SB1, -0.4 JUMP, p = .6, ES = .43 calculation; 2.1 SB1, 3.6 JUMP, p >.9, ES = .3 quantitative concepts). Moreover, comparing performance to expected change based on available norms we found that in the JUMP group, progress was significantly greater than expected on math fluency (p = 0.001) and quantitative concepts (p = .0003), and not significantly different from expected progress on calculation (p = .63). In the SB1 group, progress was not significantly different from expected on math fluency (p = .72) or quantitative concepts (p = .07), and significantly less than expected on calculation (p = .02). The difference between groups was not significant and relatively small for reading (mean change 0.6 SB1, 0.9 JUMP, p = .6, ES = .15) compared to the differences on the math measures, although only the JUMP group made significantly more than expected gains here, based on available norms (p = .27 SB1; p = .03 JUMP) (see S1 Text).

Teachers in the JUMP group rated their experience teaching math during the study period significantly more positively than teachers in the SB1 group (mean ratings 7.2 SB1, 8.2 JUMP, p = .03). All of the teachers who used JUMP indicated that they would use it again and that they would recommend it to other teachers.

JUMP Math resources were distributed to teachers in the JUMP group at no cost. To help equate the distribution of new math resources across groups, all of the teachers in the SB2 group received the equivalent of CDN$250 in gift cards to purchase math-related classroom materials of their choosing. Funds were offered after teachers had already consented to participate in the study.

Primary students are shown on the left and junior students on the right side of the Fig. See main text for reasons for being lost to follow-up. Young/old for grade denotes students whose date of birth indicated they had started school either a year earlier or a year later than usual. Students were excluded from the analysis for a given time period if they did not have data for either the beginning or the end of that time period, which was determined separately for each outcome measure. The number of students excluded due to missing data shown in the Fig is based on the broad math outcome measure (see measures) but this number varied slightly across the different outcome measures.

Teacher PD in the scale up was the same as in the pilot (1 day in the fall, 1 day mid-year), with some modifications to the delivery of the SB1-PD. Following the fall PD, teachers in the SB2 group expressed concern at the possible bias of having JUMP PD delivered by a well-regarded, external expert in math pedagogy while the SB2-PD was delivered by the board support team. To address their concerns and to help maintain teacher motivation, SB2 teachers in year 1 received an additionalĀ  day PD in early December, delivered by a well-regarded, external expert in problem-based math instruction, who was nominated by the participating teachers. Accordingly, a different, well-regarded, external expert, also nominated by the teachers, delivered both PD days in year 2. Members of our research team attended all of the SB2-PD sessions, which were in line with problem-based math instruction, and included a review of regional guidelines, implementation guidance, pedagogical demonstrations and small group problem solving.

The videotapes were coded by three accredited, occasional (substitute) teachers familiar with the problem-based approach to math instruction and who, apart from coding, were not otherwise involved with the study. They were blind to the study hypotheses and to teacher assignment to curricula. They watched videotapes of the JUMP PD, reviewed the materials provided at the SB2 PD sessions (SB2 trainers declined to be videotaped), received training on how to use the coding scheme and a detailed coding manual for reference. Videotapes were randomly assigned such that each coder coded 1/3 of the videotapes. 2351a5e196

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