Julie Zangenberg Rasmusen

About me

My name is Julie Rasmusen (she/her) and I'm a fourth year PhD student in Algebraic Topology at University of Warwick under the supervision of Dr. Emanuele Dotto. I received both my Bachelor’s and my Master’s degree from the University of Copenhagen in 2018 and 2020, respectively. My Bachelor thesis was titled “Regular curves on Riemannian manifolds” and was supervised by Prof. Nathalie Wahl, and my Master thesis was titled “The Ring Spectrum of Stable Power Operations” and were supervised by Piotr Pstrągowski.

Research interest

I am in general interested in Algebraic Topology, but my main interest is in higher category theory with all the abstract nonsense that comes with it, and in particular algebraic K-theory. I am currently concerned with Hermitian K-theory on stable infinity-categories and enriched infinity-categories. Here is my CV

Feel free to contact me at julie.rasmusen (at) warwick.ac.uk


During the summer of 2024 I am organising GROOT together with Zack Garza.

Young HOM  is currently on summer break! But it will be back next year, where I will again be organising it together with Torgeir Aambø