Temasek Polytechnic Open House 2023 


For Temasek Polytechnic Open House 2023, our school organised a Fashion Show to showcase 2022 Apparel Design graduates' work.

I was involved in the Fashion Show crew team that was in charge of logistics, stage design, choreography, and marketing.

In the beginning, I was in charge of designing the model scouting poster (shown above). After the model casting is settled, we had to each design a stage setup. Even though my idea was not selected in the end, elements from the idea were incorporated into the final stage design and choreography. Alongside stage setup and choreography, our team had to also source items needed for makeup, hair, and stage. 


Temasek Polytechnic Open House 2023_Fashion

Fashion Show 2023 has allowed me to step out of my comfort zone to work with a bigger group of people. It has also sharpened my technical skills and knowledge learned in classes.