
'Julian Kranz'

Mathematician - Data Scientist
University of Münster

I am a postdoctoral researcher in Data Science and Machine Learning at the University of Münster. I am jointly supervised and funded by Fabian Gieseke at the Chair of Data Science: Machine Learning and Data Engineering at the Department of Information Systems and by Arnulf Jentzen at the Institute for Analysis and Numerics

Previously, I was a Postdoctoral Research Associate in the Functional Analysis group at the Mathematical Institute of the University of Oxford, supervised by Stuart White.

I obtained my PhD in theoretical Mathematics in 2023 under supervision of Siegfried Echterhoff in the Operator Algebra group at the Mathematical Institute of the University of Münster. You can find my PhD thesis here and my Master thesis here.

My main research interests are in Stochastic Optimization and Deep Learning, both from a theoretical perspective (convex and non-convex convergence analysis) and from a practical perspective (implementation of efficient, scalable, and distributed optimization techniques). I am furthermore interested in improved Computer Vision models that estimate forest biomass based on satellite data. 

My research in pure Mathematics evolves around the classification of C*-algebras, C*-dynamical systems, amenable groupoids, topological and algebraic K-theory, and the Baum-Connes conjecture.

Recently, I have become interested in interactions bewteen the training dynamics of neural networks and o-minimal structures from model theory.