Juan Carlos Angulo

Thanks for visiting my webpage!

I am Ph.D. candidate at the University of Maryland, College Park.  I am on the 2023-2024 Job Market and will be available for interviews. I will be attending the LACEA-LAMES 2023 conference in Bogota. 

I am an Applied Microeconomist with research interests spanning the fields of Development Economics, Political Economy, and Labor Economics. My work examines the impact of economic shocks (e.g., increasing production of agricultural crops) and behavioral decisions (e.g., migration) on human capital accumulation, political outcomes, and conflict.

You can access the latest version of my CV here or the pdf version here.

Contact information:

email: jcangulo [at] umd [dot] edu

Address:  Symons Hall, Rm. 2200

College Park, MD 20742