Jianrong  Tian

Basically, I'm not interested in doing research and I never have been. I'm interested in understanding, which is quite a different thing. And often to understand something you have to work it out yourself because no one else has done it. — David Blackwell  


I am a theorist in economics My Google Scholar Page, My SSRN Author Page 

If you find my work interesting and want to invite me for a talk, please feel free to contact me (jianrong.tian@gmail.com). Thanks.

Teaching Materials

Working Papers:

     Previous version (pdf) circulated under the title ``implementing monotone allocations: a Rochetian approach"(SSRN)About how I got the idea and Theorem 1 and 2 of the paper under the full-range  assumption and related thoughts, see A note on this paper and other related thoughts.

  I want to extend a special thanks to Ludvig Sinander,  whose  excellent and detailed comments are extremely valuable  for helping me  rethink the contribution of the paper, which gives rise to the latest version. Some sentences  in the paper are  directly  from his comments.   Even a new result is found  when I think hard on the contribution of the paper as strongly suggested by him.  An amazing guy!


Published or Accepted Papers:

Separable information is mixture of mutual information and loss of diversities; continuous separable information is mutual information. (The main theorems and  proofs and the graphical illustration were first presented in  2019 version, in which my focus was rational inattention.) 

 Old version(2015) (some typos  in the old version are corrected here), "monotone comparative statics for cutoffs" (2016).

The result of Contrarianism  is elaborated on here ``Coarse Information Design in SST(2021) and  Tian(2022), a Brief Review".