The 2nd International JST-ERCIM Workshop

Online. Dec 8-9, 2021.


  • JST/ERCIM workshop homepage opens (2021/11/2)

Theme of JST-ERCIM Joint Workshop 2021

ERCIM (European Research Consortium on Informatics and Mathematics) and JST (Japan Science and Technology Agency) are organizing the 2nd joint workshop. The online workshop aims to present future visions and recent results of research conducted in the context of the JST AIP (Advanced Integrated Intelligence Platform) project as well as from European institutions. This event will provide the opportunity to invited participants from Japan and Europe to familiarize themselves with recent research interests and consider collaboration prospects that will arise in the context of the Horizon Europe framework program or relevant initiatives from JST.

Since early 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic has thrown the world into unprecedented crisis. We have experienced many dramatic changes in our lives, including the adoption of working from home and online schooling. These lifestyle changes have caused many issues to emerge. Information and communication technologies (ICT) and their services are expected to play a crucial role in resolving these issues. The joint workshop will focus on the theme of “Accelerating Digital Transformation with Trust for a post-COVID19 Society”. It aims to capture recent results, emerging design frameworks and technical solutions for dealing with coming social changes (i.e., Build Back Better) in the era of digital transformation. In such remote and contactless environment, sophisticated trust concepts and technologies are strongly demanding in every social and technology domain. Furthermore, it also aims to share a different situation in each country concerning the use of big data for analysis purposes, the protection and preservation of privacy (e.g ELSI and GDPR), the adherence to principles of human centric AI, and several standardization efforts (incl. SDGs). Of particular interest are results of applications of AI in areas such as medical diagnosis, bioinformatics, drug discovery. In addition to this theme, the workshop will cover a wide range of topics of interest within the broader AI, IoT and Big-Data areas with a view on digital transformation.


This is the 2nd collaborative workshop between AIP Network Lab. and ERCIM in order to accelerate international communication and collaboration. The purposes of this workshop are 1) exchanging the vision for the future society, 2) information exchange between researchers in a specific research field set, and 3) making researcher network to encourage collaboration. In the 2nd workshop, we setup the following 4 theme: Trustworthy AI: Theory and System, Mathematical Approach to Privacy and Security, The Future of IoT and AI, and Digital Governance, Ethics, and AI.

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Day 1 12/8 17:00 - 19:3o (GMT+9), 8:00-10:30 (GMT)

Opening remark (5min) , 17:00-17:05 (GMT+9), 8:00-8:05 (GMT):

Katsumi Emura (AIP, NEC/JST)

Keynote Talk 1 (30min), 17:05-17:35 (GMT+9), 8:05-8:35 (GMT) :

Takayuki Ito (Kyoto University), "An Agent that Facilitates Crowd Discussion"

(no break)

2 Parallel Sessions (2 presenters for each) (70min) in the breakout rooms, 17:35 - 18:45 (GMT+9), 8:35-9:45 (GMT)

Session A : Trustworthy AI: Theory and System

Chair : Hiromi Arai (RIKEN)

  • Isao Echizen (National Institute of Informatics), "Real or Fake? From Biometric Data Protection to Fake Media Detection".

  • Tim Baarslag (CWI – Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica), “Coordination of Intelligent and Autonomous Systems Through Negotiation”

Session B : Mathematical Approach to Privacy and Security

Chair : Junichi Yamagishi (NII)

  • Jun Sakuma (Tsukuba University),"Toward the Realization of AI Trusted by Humans"

  • Michele Sebag (CNRS – French National Centre for Scientific Research), “Extremely Private Supervised Learning”

Break (10 min), 18:45-18:55 (GMT+9), 9:45-9:55 (GMT)

Panel session 1 (30min), 18:55-19:25 (GMT+9), 9:55-10:25 (GMT)

  • Panelists : Isao Echizen, Tim Baarslag, Jun Sakuma, Michele Sebag

  • Coordinator : Takayuki Ito

Closing (5min), 19:25-19:30(GMT+9), 10:25-10:30(GMT)

Akiko Aizawa (NII/JST)

Day 2 12/9 17:00 - 19:3o(GMT+9), 8:00-10:30 (GMT)

Opening remark (5min), 17:00-17:05 (GMT+9), 8:00-8:05 (GMT):

Edgar Weippl

Keynote Talk 2 (30min) , 17:05-17:35 (GMT+9), 8:05-8:35 (GMT) :

Fabio Martinelli (Research Director, CNR IIT) "Data usage control for data sovereignty"

Break (10 min), 17:35-17:45 (GMT+9), 8:35-8:45 (GMT)

2 Parallel Sessions (2 presenters for each) (60min) in the breakout rooms, 17:45 - 18:45 (GMT+9), 8:45-9:45 (GMT)

Session C : The Future of IoT and AI

Chair: Kei Hiroi (Kyoto University)

  • Takayuki Nishio (Tokyo Institute of Technology),"Distributed Machine Learning in IoT Networks"

  • Helmut Leopold (AIT – Austrian Institute of Technology), "IoT & AI for a sustainable Digital Future"

Session D : Digital Governance, ELSI, and AI

Chair : Dimitris Plexousakis (ICS-FORTH)

  • Minao Kukita (Nagoya University), "AI is the message: How AI can affect our view of the humans"

  • Alexander Schatten (SBA Research), "Is the Extended Mind Embracing Artificial Intelligence? Ethical and social consequences and responsibilities.”

Break (10 min), 18:45-18:55 (GMT+9), 9:45-9:55 (GMT)

Panel session 2 (30min), 18:55-19:25 (GMT+9), 9:55-10:25 (GMT)

  • Panelists: Takayuki Nishino, Helmut Leopold, Minao Kurita, and Alexandr Schatten

  • Coordinator : Edgar Weippl

Closing (5min) , 19:25-19:30(GMT+9), 10:25-10:30(GMT)

Dr. Bjorn Levin (ERCIM President)

Keynote Talk 1

An Agent that Facilitates Crowd Discussion

Professor Takayuki Ito (Kyoto University)

Abstract: Online discussion among civilian is important and essential for next-generation democracy. Providing good support is critical for establishing and maintaining coherent discussions. Large-scale online discussion platforms are receiving great attention as potential next-generation methods for smart democratic citizen platforms. Such platforms require support functions that can efficiently achieve a consensus, reasonably integrate ideas, and discourage flaming. Researchers are developing several crowd-scale discussion platforms and conducting social experiments with a local government. One of these studies employed human facilitators in order to achieve good discussion. However, they clarified the critical problem faced by human facilitators caused by the difficulty of facilitating large-scale online discussions. In this work, we propose an automated facilitation agent to manage crowd-scale online discussions. An automated facilitator agent extracts the discussion structure from the texts posted in discussions by people. We conducted a large-scale social experiment with Nagoya City’s local government.

CV:Dr. Takayuki ITO is Professor of Kyoto University. He received the Doctor of Engineering from the Nagoya Institute of Technology in 2000. He was a JSPS research fellow, an associate professor of JAIST, and a visiting scholar at USC/ISI, Harvard University, and MIT twice. He was a board member of IFAAMAS, the PC-chair of AAMAS2013, PRIMA2009, General-Chair of PRIMA2014, IEEE ICA2016, is the Local Arrangements Chair of IJCAI2020, and was a SPC/PC member in many top-level conferences (IJCAI, AAMAS, ECAI, AAAI, etc). He received the JSAI Achievement Award, the JSPS Prize, the Fundamental Research Award of JSSST, the Prize for Science and Technology of the Commendation for Science and Technology by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology (MEXT), the Young Scientists' Prize of the Commendation for Science and Technology by the MEXT, the Nagao Special Research Award of IPSJ, the Best Paper Award of AAMAS2006, the 2005 Best Paper Award of JSSST, and the Super Creator Award of 2004 IPA Exploratory Software Creation Project. He was a JST PREST Researcher, and a principal investigator of the Japan Cabinet Funding Program for Next Generation World-Leading Researchers. He is currently principal investigator of JST CREST project.

Keynote Talk 2

Data usage control for data sovereignty

Professor Fabio Martinelli (CNR IIT/Research Director)

Abstract: The talk briefly addresses the role of data usage control for data sovereignty, that is a main issue in current technologies. It introduces the notions of data centric policies, policy refinement and policy enforcement in several scenarios, including cyber threat intelligence management.

CV:Fabio Martinelli is a research director of the Italian National Research Council (CNR). His main research interests involve security and privacy in distributed and mobile systems and foundations of security, privacy and trust. He founded and chaired the WG on Security and Trust management (STM) of the ERCIM. He is currently partnership Director of the SPARTA Pilot for competence network in cyber security. He also served as expert in the H2020 Protection and Security Advisory Group (PASAG) for the EU Commission and acts as Vice Chairman of the Board of the European Cyber Security Organization (ECSO).

Session A : Trustworhty AI: Theory and System

Talk 1 in Session A

Real or Fake? From Biometric Data Protection to Fake Media Detection

Professor Isao Echizen (National Institute of Informatics, Japan)

The dramatic spread of smartphones equipped with high performance sensors has enabled filming and recording of other people's faces, voices, and fingerprints. These can also be shared in cyberspace, not only violating privacy but also illustrating the risk of breaches of biometric authentication. Moreover, with the evolution of AI technology and the high-quality biometric data, malicious actors can create high-quality fake media such as deepfakes, which may negatively impact people's ability to make decisions. This talk will outline these threats and introduce technology for users to control distribution of their own biometric data in cyberspace and technology for detecting fake media.

CV: Isao Echizen received B.S., M.S., and D.E. degrees from the Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan, in 1995, 1997, and 2003, respectively. He joined Hitachi, Ltd. in 1997 and until 2007 was a research engineer in the company's systems development laboratory. He is currently a director and a professor of the Information and Society Research Division, the National Institute of Informatics (NII), a director of the Global Research Center for Synthetic Media, the NII, and a professor in the Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, The University of Tokyo. He currently serves as a research director in JST CREST FakeMedia project.

Talk 2 in Session A

Coordination of Intelligent and Autonomous Systems Through Negotiation

Professor Tim Baarslag (CWI/Researcher)

Complex and social systems consist of many interacting nodes that exchange information and can compete and/or collaborate with each other. For these nodes to coordinate effectively, they need to engage in joint decision making through the process of negotiation. In this talk, I will present my ongoing research on intelligent and autonomous systems that can negotiate in a wide variety of upcoming domains, such as smart energy trading, the Internet of Things, and digital privacy.

CV: Tim Baarslag is a Scientific Staff Member at CWI and an Assistant Professor at Utrecht University. He is a Visiting Associate Professor at Nagoya Institute of Technology and a Visiting Fellow at the University of Southampton. Tim Baarslag studies intelligent and autonomous systems that can collaborate through the process of joint decision making. Practical applications include smart energy trading, trading platforms, autonomous vehicles, the Internet of Things, and digital privacy & security assistants. Tim Baarslag currently investigates AI that can negotiate on behalf of users as part of an NWO Veni grant and a public-private partnership with industry partner Acumex. His research is featured in more than 60 publications, including in Science Magazine, Artificial Intelligence, Wired, and New Scientist. Tim is a member of the ACM Future of Computing Academy and Young Academy for outstanding early career researchers. He is the lead developer of a negotiation environment for the design and evaluation of automated negotiators (Genius) and an organizer of the annual International Automated Negotiating Agent Competition.

Session B : Mathematical Approach to Privacy and Security

Talk 1 in Session B

Toward the Realization of AI Trusted by Humans

Professor Jun Sakuma (University of Tsukuba / RIKEN)

With the rapid development of deep learning and machine learning, the accuracy of recognition of images, voice, etc., has improved to the extent that it exceeds human recognition ability. In the future, machine learning is expected to make decisions that affect humans' life, death, and well-being. The decision-making process of deep learning is hidden in a complex black box and is not necessarily reliable. In this talk, I will give an overview of the issues related to the reliability of AI, especially on security and explainability of AI, and discuss the recent progress in research toward achieving highly reliable AI.

CV: Jun Sakuma received a Ph.D degree in Engineering from the Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo Japan in 2003. He has been a professor in the Department of Computer Science, School of System and Information Engineering, University of Tsukuba, Tsukuba, Japan, since 2016. He has also been a team leader of Artificial Intelligence Security and Privacy team in the Center for Advanced Intelligence Project, RIKEN, since 2016. His research interests include security and privacy of machine learning and highly reliable artificial intelligence.

Talk 2 in Session B

Extremely Private Supervised Learning

Professor Michele Sebag (CNRS – French National Centre for Scientific Research)

This work stemmed from a collaboration in the medical domain where our partner was only allowed to release the marginals of the true data, and the marginals of the error made by a candidate hypothesis on these data.The proposed Extremely Private Supervised Learning (ExPriL) approach proceeds by generating synthetic data fitting the true marginals, iteratively learning a hypothesis and getting the marginals of the error as supervisory signal to revise the hypothesis. The epsilon-differential privacy of the mechanism is provably enforced under the assumption that the number of iterations is known in advance. Joint work: Armand Lacombe, Saumya Jetley.

CV: Michele Sebag is a senior researcher at CNRS and Univ. Paris-Saclay. With a background in Maths (Ecole Normale Supérieure), she went to industry then entered the French National Center for Research (CNRS). She is head of the Machine Learning and Optimization team in the Lab of Interdisciplinary Computer Science at Université Paris-Saclay, and co-head with Marc Schoenauer of the Inria team TAU, (Tackling the Underspecified - referring to the number of under-specified issues at the core of Artificial Intelligence). Her research interests include causal modelling, reinforcement learning, and applications of machine learning for society (health, hiring, social sciences). She was elected European AI Fellow, and member of the French Academy of Technology.

Session C : The Future of IoT and AI

Talk 1 in Session C

Distributed Machine Learning in IoT Networks

Professor Takayuki Nishio (Tokyo Institute of Technology)

This talk addresses communication-efficient distributed machine learning toward AI-driven data processing in IoT networks. Federated Learning (FL) is an emerging machine learning technique that can enable many intelligent IoT applications, by allowing for AI training at distributed IoT devices without the need for data sharing. However, in the IoT networks, the conventional FL is suffered from the narrowband and lossy communications and non-IID data. To overcome these issues, based on the idea of leveraging an unlabeled open dataset, we propose a distillation-based semi-supervised FL (DS-FL) algorithm enabling communication-efficient model training with non-IID data.

CV: Takayuki Nishio is an associate professor at the School of Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan. He received his B.E. degree in electrical and electronic engineering, and his Master’s and Ph.D. degrees in informatics from Kyoto University in 2010, 2012, and 2013, respectively. From 2016 to 2017, he was a visiting researcher at the Wireless Information Network Laboratory (WINLAB), Rutgers University, New Jersey. His current research interests include machine learning-based network control, machine learning in wireless networks, and heterogeneous resource management.

Talk 2 in Session C

IoT & AI for a sustainable Digital Future

Professor Helmut Leopold (AIT – Austrian Institute of Technology/Head of Center for Digital Safety & Security)

Abstract : The actual cloud shift mega trend is not in line with the demand of reduction of carbon footprint of ICT infrastructures by 2030 to achieve climate neutrality. Edge computing is the evolution of the cloud model, avoiding the transfer of data, supporting resilience, real time operations, security & privacy while at the same time reducing energy consumption. The presentation highlights the background and a research agenda for addressing these challenges such as photonics and 6G as well as new AI ICT architectures.

CV: Helmut Leopold has over 30 years of experience in the IT and communication technology industry. Currently he is with the AIT Austrian Institute of Technology where he heads the Digital Safety & Security Center. In this role he is responsible for the research programme of artificial intelligence, photonics and 6G among others. Before joining AIT, he had various management positions in the industry and was a key driver for the implementation of the broadband Internet infrastructure in Austria. He graduated from the Vienna University of Technology and obtained his PhD in computer science from the University of Lancaster in England.

Session D : Digital Governance, ELSI, and AI

Talk 1 in Session D

AI is the message: How AI can affect our view of the humans

Professor Minao Kukita (Nagoya University)

Artificial intelligence is a medium that processes a variety of data to convey information to us. And if a medium itself is a "message," as Marshall McLuhan once argued, then artificial intelligence itself must also be a message of some sort. Then, what kind of message is artificial intelligence? In this presentation, I will attempt to elucidate the ethical issues facing artificial intelligence by deciphering the message. In particular, I will argue that artificial intelligence is an innovative tool for conducting risk analysis involving humans as its subjects, based on huge data collected through various devices, and that it can foster an attitude that interprets others as the source of risk.

CV: He received his Ph.D. in 2005 from the Graduate School of Letters, Kyoto University, and has been an Associate Professor at the Graduate School of Informatics, Nagoya University since 2017. He specializes in philosophy of information, philosophy and ethics of technology, etc. In recent years, he has been particularly interested in how robots, artificial intelligence, social media, and avatars can be used to build a better society. He is a co-author of Introduction to Ethics from Robots (Nagoya University Press, 2017) and co-editor of Artificial Intelligence, Humanity, and Society (Keiso Shobo, 2020).

Talk 2 in Session D

Is the Extended Mind Embracing Artificial Intelligence? - Ethical and social consequences and responsibilities.

Professor Alexander Schatten (SBA Research/Senior Researcher )

In 1998 David Chalmers and Andy Clark introduced the very influential Extended Mind Hypothesis in philosophy: »Where does the mind end and the rest of the world begin?«. Chalmers and Clark argue that we are not just using tools as a consequence of our thoughts, but our mind is actually extended increasingly into our environment and artefacts.

In 1998 there was no smartphone and no wide spread application of machine learning (»artificial intelligence«). Both are becoming ubiquitous now, and this has the potential — picking up where Clark and Chalmers left off — so not only affect our digital processes but literally our mind, thinking and deliberation.

What are ethical, social consequences and responsibilities?

CV: Alexander Schatten is currently in business development and researching resilience and sustainability of IT systems (SBA). Until end of 2017 he was managing director at biac/Twinformatics (Vienna Insurance Group). He worked for a long time at Vienna University of Technology as Assistant Professor and Senior Researcher, was freelancer and managing director at Sophisystems.