JSMB 2020
Date: September 20 (Sun.) - 22 (Tue.), 2020
The JSMB2020 will be held online for oral, poster, and social gatherings, all of which are free for JSMB members. Non JSMB member students can register for free to watch talks and join the social gatherings.
The online registration site for participation (not presentation) was reopened.
There will be an announcement for online presentation and participation soon.
Important dates
June 1: Application site of talk and poster opens.
July 15: Application for symposia, talk and poster submissions close.
July 31: Abstract submission ends.
July 31: Notification of acceptance for the symposia.
July 31: Deadline for registration and all payments.
August 31: Poster PDF submission deadline.
June 1: The schedules were updated.
August 23: The program was posted.
September 4: The program was updated.
September 4: Online registration site for participation (not presentation) was reopened.