Project 2 - Migration to the UK since 1918

This learning menu is created for you to explore the key migration during the Industrial Revolution. You have 7 tasks to complete in total, you need to spend a minimum of an hour on each one per week. This is in line with your teaching hours for History.

Make sure to complete all tasks and send them all together to your teacher when complete.

Here is a really useful link which summarises migration to and from Britain over time

Lesson 1: Timeline

On one document/paper, create a timeline of migration for all the groups you will focus on in the Research project. Research to find the specific dates of migration. Explain why they came to Britain between 1914 and 1948.

The following groups are:


Click to access a downloadable timeline here

Lesson 3: Continuity or change?

Starting from the first migrant group on your timeline, create a Continuity or Change table focusing on treatments of migrants of each group.

Write down examples of how treatments of migrants continued (stayed the same) or changed.

Download a copy of the table here

Lesson 4: Investigate (research)

You are to conduct your own research task on migration in after the First and Second World Wars. Create a PowerPoint/Word document/poster about a migrant group from this time.

Migration groups to choose from:

  1. Lascars

  2. Polish

  3. West Indians

  4. East African Asians

  5. South Asians

  6. Sub-Saharan Africans

Make sure you respond to the following questions:

  • Where did this group come from? Where in Britain did they migrate to?

  • What caused this group to migrate?

  • How were these groups treated in the place they migrated?

  • What did these groups do once they arrived?

Lesson 5: Create

Time to look closely at West Indian migration. Create a profile on Sam King, a West Indian who came to Britain on the Windrush.

  • Information on their background

  • Why/how he migrated

  • What did he do after he migrated?

  • What is he known for?

Resources you could use:

Lesson 6: Watch and evaluate

The Windrush Generation came to Britain for a better life. Watch this documentary and take notes on how the those arriving on the Windrush were treated and the experiences they have had in Britain.

Lesson 7: Educate and share

Using PETAL structure, answer the following question using any group you have studied as an example.

Explain why groups of people have migrated to Britain between 1914 and 1948.

P – People have migrated to the UK due to economic/environmental/ social/ political reasons.

E – For example… (write about a specific group)

T – This was important because…

A – As a result (write about their treatment once they migrated)

L – Therefore, people have migrated to the UK due to…