Blueimp Gallery is a touch-enabled, responsive and customizable image & video gallery, carousel and lightbox, optimized for both mobile and desktop web browsers. It features swipe, mouse and keyboard navigation, transition effects, slideshow functionality, fullscreen support and on-demand content loading.

Justified.js is a jQuery plugin that creates a justified image grid of supplied images. Fill all the spaces! This ineffect creates a elegant image gallery with various sizes of images, where all the images of a row to have the same height.

Jquery Gallery Examples Free Download

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Image gallery simplified. Touch enabled, fully responsive, justified/cascading/grid layout and supporting cloud storage. Featuring multi-level navigation in albums, combinable hover effects on thumbnails, responsive thumbnail sizes, multiple layouts, slideshow, fullscreen, pagination, image lazy load, themes, deep linking, customizable, i18n, and pulling in Flickr or Picasa/Google+/Google Photos photo albums among others.

jQuery Elastic Grid is a lightweight, easy to use gallery jQuery plugin script inspired by Google Image Search with support for .png, .jpg and .gif image files. It uses a thumbnail grid with expanding preview for displaying your images. It is also fully HTML5 and CSS3 compliant.

This is a very simple and lightweight responsive jQuery lightbox image gallery plugin. If you are looking for a jQuery plugin to create an images gallery that is incredibly fast then this plugin is for you.

Download a zip of the latest release (or any previous one) from the Github Releases page.

 Or install using npm: npm install lightbox2 --save   Open up the zip file and take a peek at the barebones, working example that is included in the /examples folder.

Hi, I just completed jQuery basics. I had so much fun building the drawing application so I tried to upgrade i a little bit. I wan't to be able to save the canvas that they draw on as an image. I thought "this must be super hard" but a quick search returned that it might not be as hard as I thought. I found some examples and tried to adapt them to my application. They did not work tho so I was hoping to get some help with it here in the community.

I have not really touched Processwire if a few years. Some of old MODx and Processwire sites have to be updated. One of my sites was built using a gallery system with FancyBox. The thumbs no longer work and the older system is no longer supported. I am going to tackle using the new FancyBox v3.3. I have built a super basic test site on MAMP so that I can get reacquainted with doing all this again.

2) Create a fresh local (MAMP) install of the the latest Processwire with a test gallery page using the PW image Field. This works. I can upload images and fiddle with the thumbnails, etc. All that happens when you click on a thumbnail: it takes you to a blank page that presents the individual full size image:

I have upgraded two of my sites to the most recent versions of Processwire. These are basic photo gallery sites. I have tried a bunch of things to get a basic thumbnail - gallery presentation to work with Processwire. But my thumbs will not display with the fancyBox script I am using. Other attempts with different scripts have not worked for me either.

I am at the very end here: I have downloaded Concrete5 locally on MAMP and I get a full working system with gallery, blog and contact form. For me it might best to tweak the themes here and work on my content instead of fighting the CMS system itself. I fear Processwire might be more for developers than for where I am at currently?

I also want to put your attention on that, besides fancybox and lightbox,

there are the following picture galleries who are really worth while using

because they present photos in a gallery in a real nice way:

All you have to do is to download fancybox, lightbox, or whatever gallery you want

to use and first setup a working gallery in html only with a few example pictures

and then have a look at the web code examples that the specific gallery is using.

In Processwire all you have to do, is to use a for each loop to output all the lines ...... 

for all the pictures you have in the processwire backend.

At the bottom you put this little script to initiate the colorbox gallery:

I am not sure what happened but I think the older version of FancyBox has been downgraded and a fresh branch of the project has been put in place. (I actually helped the developer with graphics way back in the early stages of FancyBox.) But I have a couple of updated PW sites that will not display thumbnails at all. When I built this years ago I created (with lots of help from PW forum members and following tuts) a seemingly complicated system of galleryPage, galleryPost, galleryBlogPost, parentPost, etc, PHP and Include template files. The new version of FancyBox spits out different code and does not use the same jquery and css files as before. But either a host server script upgrade or the new update to PW itself is breaking my gallery system. 

I am no longer going to do any web development for clients. It takes a commitment to stay on top of malware misery and system updates. I do have a couple of older client sites that run on MODx Revo, but the owners don't like the backend manager system. I showed them both Processwire and Concrete5 and Concrete5 was better received. I have not deployed a live Concrete5 site, just messing around with a local MAMP install. So far I Iike how a full polished gallery system, blog and Contact form is all there in place without having to code PHP template files. I understand how you guys apprentice the flexibility of PW here, but I am beginning to doubt my ability and commitment for doing this over time moving forward?

That being said it sort of really irks me that I can't get a basic chore like a picture gallery system running on a modern CMS that I have spent real time with! This is more to do with my ability and commitment and not the system itself. I would like to figure this out, even if it just helps me confirm in my mind which system I should settle on. I want to be in a more simple and less frustrating place ultimately...

I created a template file called gallery.php and a template called gallery. I then created a page that uses this template and uploaded some images. The images field in the template is called images. The contents of gallery.php are below. It is similar to the code in basic-page.php found in this ProcessWire install. If using a different template approach, you can just echo out the value of $gallery, for instance.

The FAQ has instructions on asking for help, solutions to common problems, and how-to examples. First-time jQuery users can check out the Colorbox Beginner's Guide. Intermediate users can probably glean everything needed by view-source'ing the demo pages.

Info Sometimes you have multiple links pointing to the same source and that creates duplicates in the gallery. To avoid that, simply use data-fancybox-trigger attribute with the same value used for data-fancybox attribute for your other links. Optionally, use data-fancybox-index attribute to specify index of starting element:

Info Sometimes you might need to bind fancybox to dynamically added elements. Use selector option to attach click event listener for elements that exist now or in the future. All selected items will be automatically grouped in the gallery. Example:

It is also possible to attach event handler for all instances. To prevent interfering with other scripts, these events have been namespaced to .fb. These handlers receive 3 parameters - event, current fancybox instance and current gallery object.

If you are combining fancybox with slider/carousel script and that script clones items to enable infinite navigation, then duplicated items will appear in the gallery. To avoid that - 1) initialise fancybox on all items except cloned; 2) add custom click event on cloned items and trigger click event on corresponding "real" item. Here is an example using Slick slider:

lightGallery comes with a numerous number of options, which allow you to customize the plugin without touching the core code. You can easily customize the look and feel of the gallery by updating SASS variables.

lightGallery hash plugin lets you provide custom unique URLs for each gallery image. This link can be used to share media anywhere on the web. It allows you to navigate to different slides via browser back/forward buttons too.

lightGallery supports, adding, editing, deleting slides even if the gallery is opened. You just need to modify the current gallery items and pass it via updateSlides method. lightGallery will automatically organize the slides for you.

lightGallery can be instantaneously launched by programmatically enabling the dynamic option and populating by passing array of objects representing the gallery elements. This is extremely useful if you have complex galleries.

lightGallery supports keyboard navigation to navigate different slides, and uses escape key to close the gallery, and uses recommended accessibility HTML markups to make lightGallery accessible for keyboard and screen reader users.

LightGallery supports features like autoplay slides that play or pause based on users actions, and native HTML5 fullscreen that can be toggled by clicking on fullscreen icon on the toolbar, many other typical gallery features.

The nested image gallery also works with lightbox but you have to use a custom code solution for the lightbox (not the native Webflow solution). I have updated the clonable project with a special (lightbox solution). You can taste this out on the live website: Gallery (Lightbox)

You may put any HTML content in each gallery item and mix content types. In this example lazy-loading of images is enabled for the next image based on move direction. If you wish to add touch-swipe support, check my article on the Smashing Magazine, or new PhotoSwipe script.

If you'd like to use a pre-designed theme, select the Theme Gallery tab and choose from one of the themes in the gallery. You can choose to download or customize any theme from there. To save a theme for later, simply bookmark or copy the URL. 0852c4b9a8

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