City Colleges of Chicago and Malcolm X College in partnership with the Consulate General of Mexico in Chicago came together on August 29 to sign a Memorandum Of Understanding (MOU) to offer English as a Second Language (ESL) classes at the consulate.

Classes are scheduled to start on September 25 and run for 12 consecutive weeks. The classes will be open to 30 students and at no cost to the participants. Any level of learner is accepted, from beginner to advanced. The classes cover reading, writing, listening, speaking, grammar, and vocabulary skills.

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To date, City Colleges of Chicago works with about 40 community partners to offer Adult Education classes at their locations. Classes taught include ESL and the Illinois High School Diploma. For more information about no cost of Adult Education at City Colleges, the public can visit or click here.

Research on specially designed instruction clearly supports high quality instruction provided to the greatest extent possible to meet the student's individualized education program (IEP) in the general education classrooms where students with disabilities have the greatest likelihood of receiving curriculum content delivered by highly qualified teachers. Schools may utilize a variety of combinations of special education supports and services to serve students with disabilities in general education settings and promote meaningful access, participation and progress in the general curriculum, including consultant teacher services, paraprofessional support, resource room services and integrated co-teaching.

2. What is specially designed instruction?

Specially designed instruction means adapting, as appropriate to the needs of an eligible student, the content, methodology, or delivery of instruction to address the unique needs that result from the student's disability; and to ensure access of the student to the general curriculum, so that he or she can meet the educational standards that apply to all students.

5. What does LRE mean and how does it relate to the continuum of service options?

LRE refers to the extent special education services are provided to a student in a setting with the student's nondisabled peers and as close to the student's home as possible. The continuum of services identifies different service delivery models to provide specially designed instruction to a student with a disability. Some of the services such as consultant teacher and integrated co-teaching services are directly designed to support the student in his/her general education class. Others may or may not be provided in settings with nondisabled peers, depending on the needs of the student. This is why the documentation of "location" in the IEP is important. The continuum of placement options is also directly related to LRE placement decisions.

6. What rules apply for grouping students with disabilities together for purposes of instruction? 

Students with disabilities placed together for purposes of special education (including resource room, special class, consultant teacher services, integrated co-teaching and related services groups) must be grouped by similarity of individual needs in accordance with the four need areas listed below:

Supplementary aids and services, accommodations and/or program modifications can be provided in general education classes, special classes or other education-related settings, including extracurricular and non-academic settings.

10. Can the district implement an innovative program for students with disabilities that varies from the regulatory continuum of service options?

Yes. The Commissioner may grant a waiver from the continuum of services options upon a finding that such waiver will enable a local school district, BOCES, approved private school, State-operated school, State-supported school or State department or agency to implement an innovative special education program that is consistent with State law, applicable federal requirements and all other sections of Part 200, and will enhance student achievement and/or opportunities for placement in regular classes and programs. The requirements for submission of such an innovative waiver can be found in section 200.6(l) of the Regulations of the Commissioner of Education.

12. Can a student with a disability be removed from his or her class in order to receive CT services?

No. CT services are special education services to support a student while he or she is participating in instruction in the general education class. It is not a pull out service. If a student with a disability needs specially designed instruction delivered outside of the general education class (e.g., specialized reading instruction), this service could be recommended in the IEP of the student as special class, related service or resource room services, but not as CT services.

14. How are the methods and schedules for CT services determined?

The effective implementation of CT services requires general and special education teachers to work cooperatively to address the needs of students with disabilities. Section 200.4(e)(5) of the Regulations of the Commissioner of Education requires that, following the development of an IEP in which CT services are recommended, the general education teachers of the student for whom the service will be provided must be given the opportunity to participate in the instructional planning process with the CT to discuss the objectives and to determine the methods and schedules for such services. The methods and schedules for such services should be documented and communicated to the parent of the student.

When consultant teacher services are to be provided for the purpose of providing specially designed reading instruction for a student who has significant reading difficulties that cannot be met through general reading programs, such instruction may be provided by a reading teacher qualified under section 80.7 of the Regulations of the Commissioner of Education.

16. Can students be grouped together for purposes of receiving consultant teacher services?

Yes. CT services may be provided on an individual or group basis (two or more students), provided that such students are grouped based on similarity of need (see question #5 under General Information). The maximum number of students who may be assigned to a CT may not exceed 20.

17. Can the CT be the primary academic instructor for the student?

No. The definition of CT does not include providing primary academic instruction to a student with a disability. CT services are provided to adapt, as appropriate to the needs of an eligible student, the content, methodology, or delivery of instruction to support the student to successfully participate and progress in the general curriculum during regular instruction, so that he or she can meet the educational standards that apply to all students.

18. Can a CT be assigned to a class full time?

Yes. A CT may be assigned to a class full time to meet the needs of individual students with disabilities enrolled in the general education class who are recommended for CT services. However, there is no requirement that a CT be assigned full time to a class.

20. What is a resource room program? 

Resource room program is a special education program for a student with a disability registered in either a special class or general education class who is in need of specialized supplementary instruction in an individual or small group setting for a portion of the school day. Resource room programs are for the purpose of supplementing the general education or special education classroom instruction of students with disabilities who are in need of such supplemental programs. This means that instruction is not provided in place of the student's regular academic instruction.

22. Is there a minimum amount of time that a student must receive resource room programs if this service is recommended in the student's IEP?

Yes. Regulations require that each student with a disability requiring a resource room program shall receive not less than three hours of instruction per week in such program. However, if the student is also recommended to receive CT services, the minimum number of hours of the combined resource room and consultant teacher services is three hours per week. The IEP must specify the frequency, duration and location for each service.

26. How can a teaching assistant assist in the delivery of resource room services?

Each student with an IEP that indicates resource room services must receive such services from the special education resource room teacher. While a teaching assistant, under the general supervision of the special education teacher, can assist in the delivery of the special education services, he or she cannot be the provider of such services in place of the special education teacher. As an example, for each resource room period, while the special education teacher may be instructing three of the students, a teaching assistant, under the supervision of the special education teacher, may be working with the other two students. (Also see question #63.)

27. May a resource room program be provided in a general education classroom?

Yes, provided that the resource room teacher provides specially designed instruction to students grouped together for purposes of the resource room program, which supplements the instruction provided in the general education class.

28. What is the difference between direct CT services and resource room services located in a general education classroom?

Direct CT services are services of a special education teacher provided to an individual student or a small group of students with disabilities to adapt, as appropriate to the needs of an eligible student, the content, methodology, or delivery of instruction to support the student to successfully participate and progress in the general curriculum during regular instruction, so that he or she can meet the educational standards that apply to all students. Consultant teacher services are provided simultaneously with general education content area instruction. 2351a5e196

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