Jerry Paulsen 2022

OK, this website doesn't have a reason for being, other than it gives me something else to learn and hopefully keep my brain from atrophying before the rest of my body.

Ever since I was 16 I have always found it fascinating to look beyond my "real job" at other jobs and what it might be like to try one of those. Of course, when I was 16 my real job was going to school and many of you know what a failure I was in that pursuit. However, I never thought of myself as a failure but rather as a square peg looking for a square hole. My square edges are a poor fit in round holes.

Back in the 60s I interrupted my real job of fixing airplanes for the Air Force by volunteering for short stints working in packing and crating, and later in maintenance scheduling, and the drum and bugle corps. All of these activities introduced me to other, even more interesting activities, like part time jobs erecting tv towers, running a turret lathe and repairing outboard motors .

Since I haven't had a real job since 2006 I have had lots of time to look around. I participated in senior learning activities, politics, writing, and graphic design. I wasn't very skilled in any of these endeavors, and quickly lost interest, but still learned a lot in the process.

Technology still interests me the most, so I have my fingers on a lot of hardware and software toys. Many people spend hours learning to play games with others or online to move up to the next level. I view creative apps as my games, I don't play to win, I play to learn.

And that's why I'm learning to build websites using a new free tool from Google. I learned of this tool from my 14 year old grandson, Sam, who is learning it as a freshman in high school.

Taking correspondence course in drafting

Teaching a class on energy conservation

Book formatting and cover design with my friend Stan