Joystick With Games


Users can change the shape of the blocks by changing the Joystick.

Users can change the position of the blocks by changing the Joystick

The game ends when the blocks reaches the top the game screen.

Snake Game

Users can change the directions of the snake to get the goal states(red blocks).

The game ends when the snake touches the boarders of the game screen.

Pong Game

Other games are supported as well such as Pong Game.

1. If the user press the button once, the Tetris game will start.

2. If the user press the button twice, the Snake game will start.

3. If the user press the button three times, the Pong game will start.

LPC 4088

Joystick With Games uses LPC 4088 to achieve all the communication.

Project Design:

The program will start when the user pushes the button. Meanwhile, users are allowed to use the Joystick to control the games. For example, users can control the shape of the blocks in the ‘Tetris’ game and change the directions of the snake.

Week 7(2/18-24)

  • We tested cmusphinx library to ensure the voice recognization works.
  • We read the cmusphinx tutorial.
  • We successfully converted voice message into written language in the terminal.

Week 8 (2/15 - 2/28)

1. We have all the components we need

2. We figured out how to record voices and hear it through the mic.

Week 9(3/4 - 3/8)

1. We are trying to understand how to transfer data from LPC to computer.

2. We came up with one backup plan: Change the voice(change the frequency, etc.)

Week 10(3/10 - 3/15)

1. We are trying to store the audio file in the .wav file OR .raw file, and computer will read the that file and use the library to convert that audio file into words.

2. However, we are still trying to figure out how to store the audio file because buffer can only store 0.5s audio, which is useless for voice recognization.

3. We came up with another back up plan: Use joystick to control the game in the computer.

Week 11(Final Week)

1. After talked to the TAs, (special thanks to Yuyang and Brian), we gradually realized that it's impossible to transfer the data from the board to the computer.

2.We tried to store the audio file in the SD card, but it did not work. Even the example code cannot compile itself.

3. Then, we tried to use USB to transfer data. However, because USB has multiple layers, which make the problem more complex. With the consideration of the time limit. We decided to use our last backup plan.

4. We started to work on the the project that allows for users use joystick to control the games in the computer.

5. However, we still finished voice recognization and voice recording part. The only part we did not finish it to transfer the data from the board to the computer. At this moment, we realized we can try Bluetooth next time.