INTRO: It took me way too long to get this finally working properly, so hopefully this will save some of you some pain. This will work for single joysticks (i.e., throttle + twist included), but should work for other types with a few tweaks. I'm using it with my 20+ year-old Microsoft Sidewinder Precision 2 to be able to fly with FA OFF with precision, since I found ED to be extremely sensitive and I could never get the ship stabilized on all axes.

- HidHide ( ): This program hides the output from your REAL joystick from specific applications. You MIGHT need it (I didn't) to force ED to detect the output from the vJoy virtual joystick instead of the one from your real joystick when configuring your flight controls.

Joystick Curves Download

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- I only have one joystick connected, so this part might be different for you: Select the tab for your device (if you have one joystick, that would be tab 1) and specify your joystick's configuration by...

-- Selecting the axes: For example, in my joystick left-right is X, up-down is Y and twist is Rz (R = Rotation). You should have a general idea of what's what by entering your joystick's config from the Start menu ("Set up USB game controllers").

- From the menu above, select "Actions -> Create 1:1 mapping." This will map each input from your REAL joystick to the VIRTUAL joystick, so when, for example, you move your stick, that movement will be mimicked by the virtual joystick.

-- There is your curve. The bottom-left quadrant is your "normal" left motion, while the upper-right quadrant is your "normal" right motion. The green line is the current sensitivity curve (right now it's a straight line). If, for example, you set up the green line on the left side to pass through the top-left quadrant instead of the bottom one, the joystick will actually output a rightward movement when you move your stick to the left!

- Now click on the gamepad-looking icon on the top-left to activate the virtual joystick output. It will turn green. NOTE: For me it throws an error when I click it sometimes, but everything works just fine afterwards.

NOTE, IN CASE YOU WANT TO KNOW WHAT THIS "INPUT REPEATER" THING IS ALL ABOUT: You need to do things this way so that ED detects your VIRTUAL joystick (the one with the curves) instead of your REAL one. When you try to bind a joystick axis to ED, ED will try to detect the first motion it receives from your joystick. This means that if you move your joystick when trying to bind an axis, ED might detect your REAL joystick input (the one without the curves applied) rather than your VIRTUAL joystick input (which has the curves applied). What "Input Repeater" does is flood ED with a VIRTUAL version of the LAST input it received from your joystick, so when e.g. you move your joystick to the left once, it will continue sending a "virtual left" movement all the time without you moving the REAL stick, so if you then attempt to bind a control in ED, ED will get a VIRTUAL stick movement (which is being repeated automatically), but not a REAL stick movement, since your REAL stick will be centered.

- In that case, you can use HidHide (that optional software I mentioned at the beginning) as a last resort to hide your REAL joystick from ED, so that it only responds to the VIRTUAL one. Sorry, I won't go into the specifics of setting it up here.

I use the utility JoystickCuves by to map to a virtual joystick my x56 throttle thumbstick to be both a view axis and a handbrake. I tell the utility to ignore half the axis so that the center position is read as the starting or end point and the other half of the axis is ignored.

I know it is a subjective topic and varies between sticks but I just wanted to get an overall feel if and what others were using. With FBW aircraft, curves haven't been really an issue and I was fine using no curves at all.

So far, I feel the Tomcat may be a bit more sensitive and I was thinking that setting in some curves may help lessen that, especially while refueling. I don't know what a realistic curve setting would be though...

X52 here. I had to leave the pitch curves at zero otherwise the pitch axis felt extremely heavy. Roll axis I set to 15, which is perfect for wings out but still quite sensitive when wings are swept. My rudders are 15-20 and still extremely sensitive when in the air, but perfect for NWS. The wide changes in sensitivity between flight regimes makes dialing in curves extremely difficult.

I am having the hardest time. Curves that work for ACM end up not working for refueling, formation flying, and landing. I can't find a happy medium. The positive curves end up being too sensitive at the end of the spectrum for aggressive maneuvering and the negative curves are too sensitive around center for refueling and landing. For me, 0 curves don't feel right either. With the Hornet, 0 curves work perfectly fine so I don't know what it is.

Zero curves from release date to now. I can handle her just fine in routine flight operations, take offs, landings and BFM. I am somewhat tempted to add some curve to the rudders, but not ATM. I am yet to try carrier operations and air-to-air refueling though.

Quite some modules in DCS are literally unflyable without curves on my FFB2 - and I'm being used to the Sopwith Camel in a sim that didn't have curves for a very long time. Everyone who knows that, will understand me - it's very similar to the MiG-28 if you set the realistic mode in the options where your stick center is almost at the front wall...

My baseline for any aircraft in DCS is dead zone of 1 (no joystick is built perfectly, not even the TM Warthog), 8 curvature for pitch and 12 for roll, and 0 for yaw. This works extremely well for both the F-18 and F-14, so I left them at that.

I have a thrustmaster t16000m hotas, and I desperately need to s curve the joystick. However, using joystick curves, I find my input randomly drops, it randomly cant find my joystick, and the accuracy seems spotty as hell, I don't know whats wrong with it.

Collective you can run some curvature set the input type to "slider" then you can taylor the transfer curve to suit. Especially helpful to give some fine adjustment at the lower end of travel on those little sliders used on joysticks.

I was trying to find a solution to the wobbling problem that I have with my FFB2 since MS doesn't support with software this excellent stick past win XP. The solution will work in every joystick. If you want to get your hands dirty keep on reading. As all side solutions there are pros and cons, its up to you to decide if its worth it.

This program is the one you use to change the response curves of your joystick, it also supports profiles for different aircraft which you change on the fly by Alt-Tabbing or by a hot key. (e.g. Aggressive Pitch for a 109 and a very smooth for a FW)

!WARNING! By installing vJoy your controllers ids will change, which means you ll have to remap them if you want to go back. Its always a good idea to keep a backup of your "input" folder. Unbound your joystick axes from the sim before setting the virtual ones, if you dont do that, IL2 will get input both from actual controller and virtual one. For FFB users, disable force feedback in game.

Mine is all-ready setup and it has more axis selected than my real stick but that is OK. Its straight forward, select according to your needs and your stick axis, number of buttons and hats, press apply and you are done. Now if you check in your joysticks list you have another one called vJoy witch has the buttons and axis you have already selected, you can close the app now. (you can have more than one virtual joysticks with different settings but I wont elaborate on that)

Final job is to setup your curves to your liking, the big area with the small red and grey boxes represents your axis, the top is 100% and bottom is 0%, move the boxes around to fix the curve however you like. This can be done while you fly the sim by Alt-tabbing to JC.

With minimalsensitivity, you would have to move the joystick enough to get some degree ofmovement on each of the control axes of the aircraft. Asyou know, the three axes / motion are pitch, roll, and yaw.

Anyone else having issues with the new controller sensitivity setup? I had my sensitivity set to -70 before and it worked just fine. Now, (maybe apart of the recent update) there is the + and - sensitivities and the curves look and work absolutely horribly.

I'm new to X plane and am enjoying it. I've been flying gliders and powered aircraft for 40 years and I also have had FS/FSX/P3d for many years. I'm afraid one of my bugbears with all sims is joystick sensitivity. The thing is, most GA aircraft joysticks have a very large movement between full forward and backward pitch, and especially with conventional GA aircraft, also a sizeable throw from full left to right aileron. Add in the natural forces and most real aircraft have excellent fine control.

When this gets translated to the relatively tiny movement of sim joysticks (almost all of them) this means you are applying a tiny movement for a large control input. Indeed in the X plane Baron I barely move the stick at all, even with "augmentation" set to 100%, and at any sensitivity setting (which is essentially an input curve, not real sensitivity).

I downloaded a program from the xedoc project called the joystick curves that helps to make the plane more stable in the air, however every time I try to open the game with this program open, the game closes by itself, if I try to open the game first and then open the curves the game closes too.

Armed Assault, and Operation Flashpoint before that, is lacking the ability to adjust the joystick curve. It's bad. As someone who's flown real airplanes (though not helicopters), I am completely unable to use my joystick in Armed Assault, preferring even the horrible mouse and keyboard control.

If you open "My Documents/ArmA Other Profiles/yourprofilename/yourprofilename.ArmAProfile" you'll find a "joystickSensitivity[]" line some ways down the page. I've set mine to the following (all one line): 17dc91bb1f

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