Other Games

Robot Maker

April 2018

Robot Maker is a simple simulation game in which you raise and customize a robot. I built it in Android Studio in a little under a week to learn Java. Every day, you schedule activities for your robot like working, socializing, or going to school, and at the end of the month you get a different ending depending on your choices.


August 2018

CodeWords is a game I made in Unity with a good friend of mine to mess with our other pal, Thomas. I programmed the game and my friend devised the riddles and concept. Thomas' goal was to solve several riddles about the real-world that were specific to him.

The entire game was built in under eight hours in Unity with C#.

Party Pop

November 2017

Party Pop is a mixed reality game where you shoot pinatas and balloons using finger guns! It uses the Leap Motion to aim and detect when your hands make shooting motions. This was another game built in game design; I worked specifically on integrating the leap motion and creating some art (including the pinata).


November 2015

Catmando was a group project for a game development course. It's a side-scrolling platformer. The player dodges obstacles by deflecting them with a shield or jumping over them in a runaway shopping cart.

The shield mechanic was inspired by a similar idea in Pong Hero.

I worked on art (see pictures) and programming.

Lawnmower Extreme

October 2015

Lawnmower Extreme was made in GameMaker in two weeks with a team for a game development course. I worked on art and animation (I made the sprites for the grass, garden, main character, lion, everything that moved). My teammates also worked on code in addition to contributing art and level designs.

Pong Hero

July 2015

Pong Hero was my first 2D game and one of my first "real" videogames. I made it with GameMaker Studio in three days.

It's a sidescrolling platformer that lives up to its name; ping pong balls shoot at the character from all directions, so she has to deflect them with her shield.