Joyful Gomoku

Welcome to the world of Joyful Gomoku! We value the privacy of every player, and the following are our privacy protection guidelines:

Summary of Information Collection: We only obtain necessary device information to optimize the gaming experience, record game progress to achieve continuous gaming across devices, and collect error reports to improve application stability, all without personal identification information.

Data application: The collected data is only for improving game performance, personalized experience, and troubleshooting.

Privacy Protection: We promise not to sell data. Limited sharing of data with third parties is only possible under the premise of complying with the law, maintaining services, or protecting legitimate rights and interests.

Advertising display: Advertisements may be displayed within the application, and third-party advertisers may use technologies such as cookies. They have an independent privacy policy, please keep an eye out for it.

Security Barrier: Implement high-level security measures to protect data from unauthorized access or leakage.

Children's Policy: We comply with children's online privacy regulations and do not collect information about minors. Parents should supervise their children's use.

Policy evolution: Privacy policies will be updated on demand, and significant changes will be made public through in-game messages or on this page.

Contact us: If you have any questions about this policy or need to query, correct, or delete personal information, please contact us through the game's built-in "Help and Support" or email.

By using Joyful Gomoku, you agree to this privacy statement. We suggest regular review to maintain an understanding of policy changes.