The REJOICE Workshop

Joyful Identity Expression & Exploration as an Act of Resistance and a Digital Good

This workshop builds on the work of the Queer Joy as a Digital Good project, funded by ESRC’s Digital Good Network. The workshop is intended to bring together those with research interests in, and personal experiences of, the use of digital platforms as a tool for joyfully expressing and exploring aspects of one’s identity that exist outside and beyond normative structures of – inter alia – race and ethnicity, gender and sex, sexuality, and/or ability. 

In this workshop, we want to explore digital expressions of joy as a practice of resistance against real-world struggles for social and legal recognition, of the expression of identity and life unencumbered by normative standards of propriety and palatability, and of harnessing joy as an essential component of future technologies in a `good' digital society.

Topics of interest include:

Where and When?

The REJOICE workshop is part of the 37th International BCS Human-Computer Interaction (BCS HCI) conference. Workshop attendees will be required to register for the workshops aspect of the BCS HCI conference.

Location: University of Central Lancashire, Preston, UK*

Date: Monday 15th July

Timing: 9 am - 12:30 pm

Time: Morning (exact times TBC)

* We will run a parallel online session to enable remote participation. Please make it clear in your submission if you intend to participate remotely.

Call for Participation

We strongly encourage those who plan to attend the workshop to make a submission ahead of time. However, you are welcome to make a late submission or to attend without submission.

Submission deadline: Friday 12th July 2024, 6pm BST

Submission mechanism:

We invite anyone interested in identity expression,  non-normative identities, activism and resistance as a joyful practice to participate. To join in, we ask participants to submit a contribution associated with the workshop topics. 

This could take the form of a:

Note that this format list is not exhaustive, and we will welcome proposals for other forms of contribution (questions and proposals should be sent to

The expected length of written submissions is 1-2 pages (excluding any references), up to approximately A2 size for art/pictorial works, and up to 5 minutes for performative/video/audio submissions. Submissions will be subject to a light review process in which the organisers will ensure the relevance to the themes of the workshop. To enable meaningful participation, the workshop is limited to 25 participants.  Accepted contributors are required to register for the BCS HCI conference and attend the workshop.

We particularly encourage participation from those whose interests or experiences pertain to aspects of identity that are outside and beyond normative structures of – inter alia – race and ethnicity, gender and sex, sexuality, and/or ability.  Further, we recognise Non-Binary people as existing outside of Western hegemonic norms, and invite (non-exclusively) participation from those who experience gender outside of the binary.  Experiences of and insights into such identities and their manifestation in digital spaces are a concrete realisation of our broader goal to enable digital platforms and their users to facilitate joyful expression as an act of resistance, resilience, and relationship-building.

Workshop Agenda

The half-day workshop will be structured into two sessions

Session 1

Together we will build shared language and identify common ground, considering questions such as:

Activities in the first session include participant introductions and experience sharing, exploration of techniques to represent experiences, and identification of common themes.

Session 2

Subgroups of participants will engage in in-depth discussion of the themes identified in the first half, and collectively develop research agendas, manifestos or similar calvenising and directive outputs. To close, subgroups will reconvene for a larger discussion on next steps and commitments moving forward. In particular, post-workshop, we encourage involvement in two ongoing activities: 

Workshop Organisers


The following list contains writings that we have encountered/contributed to as we've developed this workshop proposal and our own related research. For transparency, writings by the workshop authors are marked with an asterisk (*).

We welcome suggestions for content that you think should be listed here.

The Queer Joy for Digital Good project

Black joy/Black queer joy

Non-binary identities and gender non-conformance