Journey to the Edge of the Universe is a documentary film broadcast on National Geographic and the Discovery Channel.[1] It depicts a simulated space journey from Earth to the edge of the universe.[2] The US edition was narrated by Alec Baldwin and the UK edition by Sean Pertwee.[1]

The documentary gives the impression of using a single, continuous take to visualize a journey from the Earth to the edge of the Universe,[4] which is explained to be the Big Bang.[2] CGI animation was used to create the film.[4]

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An international team of astronomers has discovered the earliest and most distant galaxies confirmed to date using data from the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST). The telescope captured light emitted by these galaxies more than 13.4 billion years ago, which means the galaxies date back to less than 400 million years after the Big Bang, when the universe was only 2% of its current age.

Astronomers measure the distance to a galaxy by determining its redshift. Due to the expansion of the universe, distant objects appear to be receding from us and their light is stretched to longer, redder wavelengths by the Doppler effect. Photometric techniques based on images captured through different filters can provide redshift estimates, but definitive measurements require spectroscopy, which separates the light from an object into its component wavelengths.

Over the last two centuries, however, particularly in the West, the scientific paradigm has become dominant. Science tends to objectivize what it describes. Scientific and religious cosmologies have therefore co-existed uneasily. Some scientists and philosophers conclude that the universe is largely a random accretion of matter, with no larger purpose.

However, a more compelling evolutionary account of the universe is entering into human awareness. The opportunity of our time is to narrate this new empirically grounded story in a way that might help humans reorient themselves in the universe. That is, enlist the scientific facts into a larger inquiry about the perennial questions: Where do we come from? Why are we here? How do we belong?

We ask Museum educator Janine all your questions about how far away things are, from the Moon to the end of the universe, during this Pulsar podcast brought to you by #MOSatHome. We ask questions submitted by listeners, so if you have a question you'd like us to ask an expert, send it to us at

Today on Pulsar, we'll get some more exact answers, starting with the closest things to our home planet and making our way out to the edge of the universe. And along the way, we'll find out: how do we know how far away these things are?

Thanks to Facebook Boston for supporting this episode of Pulsar. I'm your host, Eric, And my guest today is Janine from our forums department. Janine, thanks so much for going on this journey through the universe with me.

ERIC: So jumping right out to the edge of our neighborhood, we often get asked how big the solar system is. So how far away is the edge of the solar system? Does it even have an edge?

We're considering the things in the solar system to be the things that are most pulled on by the sun, and so that's at the edge of the Oort cloud, and to go back to that unit of the astronomical unit, that's about 100,000 astronomical units away.

ERIC: Now, before we continue our journey, this would be a good place to bring up a question we got from Sophie. She wanted to know how we measure distance to things in the universe that are really far away.

ERIC: All right, we can use these methods to estimate distances to other galaxies that make up the universe, and now, we're at the end of our journey. How far away is the edge of the universe?

So there are people who study what the shape of the universe is, how big it is, how it formed, all of these kinds of things. But we can talk about the edge of the visible universe or actually how far back in time, we can see.

So the furthest out we can see is about 46.5 billion light years away, which is crazy, but it also means you can look back into the past and try to figure out how the universe formed, which again, is what cosmologists do.

ERIC: You can find out more about the structure of the universe by tuning in to one of our virtual planetarium shows from the comfort of your own home. Visit to see our schedule.

Instructional Objectives

Background Information

Time Needed for Activity

Target Grade Level




Web ResourcesInstructional Objectives: Students will - study the size of the universe, calculate the time to travel to near and distant destinations, construct a time scale model of the universe by using time traveldistances.Background Information:When we observe the night sky, the planets, stars and galaxies appear to be close together. We know that some objects are closer to the Earth than others and that enormous distances separate us from other objects in the universe. As we gather information from the farthest reaches of the universe, we can learn about the history of the universe.

Distances to objects in the universe are measured indirectly and takeadvantage of the parallax effect. When an object is being measuredagainst a stationary background, it appears to move when observed fromtwo different points. The amount that an object appears to shift isdetermined by the distance to the object being observed and the distancebetween the two points of observation (the baseline). Because we have two eyes, we use parallax constantly to judge distances to objects.

Materials: CalculatorsAstronomy reference booksString or clothesline4 x 6 inch index cardsPaper hole punchPaper clipsProcedures:Distances to stars and celestial objects are immense. Cars travel at anaverage of 60 miles/hour, jets fly at about 600 miles/hour, and rockets travelthrough space at 25,000 miles/hour. Imagine that with new technolgy you can build a time machine that travels at light speed, or 186,000 miles/second. The unit used to express stellar distance is the light-year, which is thedistance that light travels in a year (5.8 trillion miles or9.46 x 1012 kilometers). With the unit of light-years, we can begin tomake sense of the very great distances between objects in the universeand begin our time travel exploration.

Planets & GalaxiesDestinationDistance from Earth

 (light-years) Time at Light SpeedMoon0.0000000381.1991888secondsSun0.0000168.41536minutesMercury0.00000954.99662minutesVenus 0.000004762.5035696minutesMars0.00000763.997296minutesJupiter0.000066635.028936minutesSaturn0.0001351.18341hoursUranus0.0002852.49831hoursNeptune0.000464.03236hoursPluto0.00061835.4200178hoursAlpha Centauri4.274.27yearsSirius (Dog star)8.78.7yearsArcturus3636yearsPleiades Cluster400400yearsBetelgeuse520520yearsDeneb1,6001,600yearsCrab Nebula4,0004,000yearsCenter of Milky Way38,00038,000 yearsMagellanic Clouds150,000150,000 yearsAndromeda Galaxy2,200,0002,200,000years2. Suspend the string or clothesline from the ceiling in your classroom or stretch it along the length of the hallway. Determine an appropriate scale, dependingon whether you want to show the edge of the universe, approximately 

15billion light-years away, or the objects closer to the Earth, for which you will use a scale of 3 million light-years. Mark the scaleon the string or clothesline.

4. The chart and travel time line represent a glimpse into the past. In a sense, our time travel is like a time machine. When we look atthe history of the universe, what can we learn? What evidence havescientists gathered with new technologies and the Hubble Deep FieldProject?

As far as we can tell, there is no edge to the universe. Space spreads out infinitely in all directions. Furthermore, galaxies fill all of the space through-out the entire infinite universe. This conclusion is reached by logically combining two observations.

First, the part of the universe that we can see is uniform and flat on the cosmic scale. The uniformity of the universe means that galaxy groups are spread out more or less evenly on the cosmic scale. The flatness of the universe means that the geometry of spacetime is not curved or warped on the cosmic scale. This means that the universe does not wrap around and connect to itself like the surface of a sphere, which would lead to a finite universe. The flatness of the universe is actually a result of the uniformity of the universe, since concentrated collections of mass cause spacetime to be curved. Moons, planets, stars, and galaxies are examples of concentrated collections of mass, and therefore they do indeed warp spacetime in the area around them. However, these objects are so small compared to the cosmic scale, that the spacetime warping which they cause are negligible on the cosmic scale. If you average over all of the moons, planets, stars, and galaxies in the universe in order to get a large-scale expression for the mass distribution of the universe, you find it to be constant.

The second observation is that our corner of the universe is not special or different. Since the part of the universe that we can see is flat and uniform, and since our corner of the universe is not special, all parts of the universe must be flat and uniform. The only way for the universe to be flat and uniform literally everywhere is for the universe to be infinite and have no edge. This conclusion is hard for our puny human minds to comprehend, but it is the most logical conclusion given the scientific observations. If you flew a spaceship in a straight line through space forever, you would never reach a wall, a boundary, an edge, or even a region of the universe without galaxy groups.

But how can the universe have no edge if it was created in the Big Bang? If the universe started as finite in size, shouldn't it still be finite? The answer is that the universe did not start out as finite in size. The Big Bang was not like a bomb on a table exploding and expanding to fill a room with debris. The Big Bang did not happen at one point in the universe. It happened everywhere in the universe at once. For this reason, the remnant of the Big Bang, the cosmic microwave background radiation, exists everywhere in space. Even today, we can look at any corner of the universe and see the cosmic microwave background radiation. The explosive expansion of the universe was not the case of a physical object expanding into space. Rather, it was a case of space itself expanding. The universe started out as an infinitely large object and has grown into an even larger infinitely large object. While it is difficult for humans to understand infinity, it is a perfectly valid mathematical and scientific concept. Indeed, it is a perfectly reasonable concept in science for an entity with infinite size to increase in size. 17dc91bb1f

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