A while back I was curious about the most popular monsters. So I went to adventurelookup.com, filtered for 5e adventures and then painstakingly looked through the "common monsters" list combining anything that was really the same thing under a different name (i.e. misspellings, named characters with a given statblock, etc.). Then I added some data I'd crossreferenced from

I thought I'd share it since the monster origins thread mentioned curiosity about monster frequency. While this is far from an actual scientific study, I thought it was a potentially interesting sample. Note that it only lists the number of adventures that included the monster at all (and then remembered to list it in their adventurelookup.com writeup). Homebrew monsters are removed unless they're minor variants of existing monsters (ex. combining "aquatic zombie" into "zombie").

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But how did monsters come about? Monsters represent the unknown, our deepest fears, and the eventual death that we all face. Throughout history, there are countless examples of monsters. Some of our most well-known monsters come from an age in which the world was still shrouded in darkness, counting nameless fears in the dark. Yet even today, we are fascinated with these monsters of the deep.

Many have found that through 3D printing technologies they can design and bring to life their own monsters. Learning about some traditional monsters may cause you to look at your own fears and inspire you to create a personalized monster of your own. Let us explore the origins of some of these monsters and the corresponding psychological reasons behind these creatures.

Modern zombies are typically portrayed as mindless corpses reduced to the basic necessity of life, the need to feed. Zombies eat human flesh and have most of their human elements stripped away. In movies, zombies are typically slow-moving with their arms sticking out and little intellegence. However, in other movies, zombies can have great speed and the ability to think and strategize against their unwitting victims.

Witches have been around a long time, from the Greek enchantress Circe to Medieval witches persecuted during the Burning Times. Witches are often condemned in religions as a very real threat to everyday people. Although most people no longer believe in actual witches, in the past, accused witches suffered greatly and were typically tortured and put to death. In tribal cultures, however, the witch-doctor or shaman had a place of honor. The witch-doctor would cure the evil eye, prescribe remedies for physical and spiritual ailments, and guide the tribe through important rites such as birth and death.

Today, such popular stories, movies, and TV shows such as Bewitched, Glinda the Good Witch in the Wizard of Oz, and the Harry Potter series show witches in a positive light. There are still evil depictions of witches, such as found in the TV show Once Upon a Time and in other popular stories.

To understand our own fears, we must acknowledge that the pursuit of knowledge without a sense of ethics and guidelines has the possibility of creating monsters or fostering cruelty. Scientists today have codes of conducts in regards to their experiments. Animal cruelty and dangerous experimentation on living beings, either human or animal, is prohibited. Today, scientists strive to be ever more mindful of the results of experimentation, not to harm in the pursuit of knowledge, but to help.

These are just a few of the monsters that are found in our literature, movies, television, and folk tales. There are many others, all with a psychological reason behind the horror and the fear. When we look within our own minds to touch the seed of fear, we can defeat our terror of these monsters and see that they are, after all, human.

WhiteClodus is a 3D printing service company and we offer some fun options to celebrate monsters. 3D print your own Spore Monster, Browse Skulls, or Upload your Design of a monster and we will 3D print it for you.

Movie: Bride of Frankenstein (1935)

Picking up immediately where Frankenstein ends, the Monster survives, learns some rudimentary English and demands that his creator fashion him a mate. Pushed by the comically nefarious Dr Pretorious and his own undead adult child, Frankenstein gets to work on building The Bride. Elsa Lanchester delivers dual performance as both the author of this whole thing, Mary Shelley, and the Bride. With only five minutes of screen time, an iconic hairdo and an ear-piercing scream, she managed to ingrain the Bride as one of the very first, and most sartorially imitated, female monsters in movie history.

In the following months, Glawackus hunts became quite the Glastonbury pastime. No monsters were slain, but at least one sketchy-at-best photo was taken. The commotion drove the beast into hiding, only to resurface in the 1950s.

Nah, the whole discussion is now about almost all myths getting no value from boosts, while we had this mechanic for almost a year now and many players went to do additional SE BQ to get more orbs and played actively for months to collect them and boost their favourite mythics.

The situation now is that SE are getting 60% more hp, while myths are getting 10%. Previous amount was a good balance between the amount of effort to get 100 orbs and the value of adding 1000hp to your most strategic myths.

If they want HP boost not to give any survivabilaty (like it twas until the recent change) then cut the amount for all monsters or take away the whole boost mechanic since Devs admitted they failed with introducing it into the game and then convert those orbs into gems.

As the Monster Hunter Rise DLC Sunbreak comes out in the summer of this year, we watch all of the trailers to see if any of our favorite monsters from this fictional hunting game series could return. Today, I will be telling you my top ten favorite monsters, not just in the base game of Monster Hunter Rise, but also other popular monsters that could be coming to Sunbreak. However, I will not be including elder dragons like Kushala Daora and Teostra or unknown monsters like Gore Magala because there are too many or too few to count on this list.

The monster that is featured on the box cover of the latest installment to the Monster Hunter series, Monster Hunter Rise. This giant tiger monster is really awesome because it features a new status effect called hell light, which is like blast blight but can also be used on Magnamalo to cause him to fall to the ground. Magnamalo is also more unique than most flagships because of the fact that it has to do with an angry spirit, but overall this is a good monster with a good concept.

Compiling a list of the top 10 Godzilla monsters to grace the big screen. The list excludes the King of the Monsters himself, focusing on co-stars to create this list of the top Godzilla kaiju. The top ten is a mixture of use in the movies, appearance, powers and personality. It is not necessarily one based on how powerful a character is unless this helped to make the monster stand out or become a more interesting opponent/ally for Godzilla. The top monsters are a mixture of all their appearances in deciding the criteria.

With a more down to earth appearance, the kaiju faced off against lavish monsters like Gigan and Mechagodzilla. What made him endearing was his determination and loyalty to Godzilla, giving the franchise a needed underdog for Godzilla to work alongside.

Mechagodzilla was introduced into the franchise late in the Showa series, but did so with a splash. Debuting with an interesting concept of impersonating Godzilla, the mech then proved to be one of the most difficult adversaries the King of the Monsters had faced. Giving both Godzilla and King Caesar trouble, Mechagodzilla made a huge stamp on the franchise and was an instant fan favorite.

Since his debut, Mechagodzilla has been given a bigger push by Toho than almost their entire character line up (save #1 on this list). When it came time to reintroduce the character, Toho gave the mech a radically new origin for Godzilla vs. Mechagodzilla II (1993). Now an instrument of humanity, the character became a protagonist with only vaguely questionable morals raised. This idea continued and was explored again nine years later for Godzilla Against Mechagodzilla (2002) with Kiryu being another human based construct.

Mothra has been the most reoccurring Godzilla character since the closure of the Showa era. Although she started off in her debut film as a slight antagonist due to circumstances, the sometimes enemy, sometimes ally to the nuclear menace has grown into a benevolent force. She has developed into a sense of good in a franchise dominated by rampaging monsters.

This list of the greatest monsters and creatures of all time ranks the scary, the sly, the freaky, the brutal and the dangerous. Everyone loves the monster, especially when it creeps into your dreams at night. Now, rank your favorite monsters from books and movies to determine which of these strangest creatures reigns supreme. Think beyond just Godzilla, folks. Just think, this list could help answer the question, "Which monster rules?" If you see any awesome monsters that are missing, add them. And if you really want to impact this list's ranking, reorder your own list as you see fit and add it.

It may be easy enough to pick out the best monsters from the last decade or so - bu what about deciding the most awesome terrifying monsters and creatures of all time? This list will help you determine which of these creatures are cool and amazing. Yes, while some of them may be a bit weird and strange, there's no questioning how awesome they are. That's for sure. Vote for the best movie monsters and creatures from pop culture.

The Xenomorph, an extraterrestrial nightmare born from H.R. Giger's twisted imagination, has become an icon of horror in both film and literature. Its sleek yet terrifyingly biomechanical design strikes fear into the hearts of fans worldwide. With its acidic blood and relentless pursuit of prey, the Xenomorph embodies pure terror at its most alien form. be457b7860

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