JoonHo Jang

I am a Ph.D. student at Applied Artificial Intelligence Lab, advised by Professor Il-Chul Moon at Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST)I received my B.S. in Industrial and Systems Engineering from KAIST in February 2017 and my M.S. in Industrial and Systems Engineering from KAIST in February 2019, respectively.

Contact: adkto8093 [at] kaist [dot] ac [dot] kr // adkto193812 [at] gmail [dot] com 

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My research interests include general machine learning theory and applications with


Ph.D. candidate, Dept. of Industrial and Systems Engineering (IsysE), Advisor: Prof. Il-Chul Moon

M.S., Dept. of Industrial and Systems Engineering (IsysE), Advisor: Prof. Il-Chul Moon

B.S., Dept. of Industrial and Systems Engineering (IsysE).

Selected Publication

Unknown-Aware Domain Adversarial Learning for Open-Set Domain Adaptation  [Paper]

Towards Pareto-Optimality for Test-Time Adaptation


(C: Conference, W: Workshop, J: Journal, P: Preprint, *: Equal contribution)

[P2] Towards Pareto-Optimality for Test-Time Adaptation

[P1] Training Unbiased Diffusion Models From Biased Dataset

[C8] Hierarchical Multi-Label Classification with Partial Labels and Unknown Hierarchy  [Paper]

[C7] SAAL: Sharpness-Aware Active Learning  [Paper]

[C6] Unknown-Aware Domain Adversarial Learning for Open-Set Domain Adaptation  [Paper]

[C5] From Noisy Prediction to True Label: Noisy Prediction Calibration via Generative Model  [Paper]

[W1] Improving Group-based Robustness and Calibration via Ordered Risk and Confidence Regularization  [Paper]

[C4] LADA: Look-Ahead Data Acquisition via Augmentation for Deep Active Learning  [Paper]

[C3] Counterfactual Fairness with Disentangled Causal Effect Variational Autoencoder  [Paper]

[C2] Neutralizing Gender Bias in Word Embedding with Latent Disentanglement and Counterfactual Generation  [Paper]

[C1] Bivariate Beta-LSTM  [Paper]

[J1] Forecasting the Concentration of Particulate Matter in the Seoul Metropolitan Area Using a Gaussian Process Model  [Paper]

Project Experience 

Development of Prediction Models for Measurements in Semiconductor Manufacturing based on Estimation of External Factors (2023)

Transfer Learning on Classification Model for Wafer Defect Patterns (2022)

Development of Classification Model for Wafer Defect Patterns (2021)

Development of a Child Abuse Prediction Model based on Social Security Information System (2021)

Traffic Data-based Analysis and Prediction Model Development for the Concentration of Particulate Matter (2020)

Forecasting the Concentration of Particulate Matter in the Seoul Metropolitan Area Using a Gaussian Process Model (2018-2019)



Teaching Assistant

Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), Daejeon, Republic of Korea

Academic Service

Conference Reviewer