
Torres Orozco (jonatan.tto[at]gmail[dot]com)

I am a Mexican mathematician working on Differential Geometry problems, mainly from a PDE perspective. 

Geometric Analysis-PDE- Poisson Geometry 

I am a postdoctoral fellow at the Faculty of Sciences of the UNAM in Mexico City, Mexico. I am mostly interested in geometric problems that can be formulated by a PDE.

The Center for Research in Mathematics  (CIMAT) was the academic home where I did my postgrad studies. My Ph.D. had the supervision of professors Pablo Suárez-Serrato (IMATE-UNAM) and Jimmy Petean Humen (CIMAT). My doctorate thesis was on two separate topics: the Yamabe Problem and the construction of Poisson structures adapted to singular fibrations. I am still working on related topics. My Ph.D. thesis can be consulted here.  Here is also an updated version of my CV .