Morbius - Milo's Edit
Bad Movies Made Less Bad Presents:
Much better but STILL a terrible movie.
Much better but STILL a terrible movie.
Faneditor Name: Wakeupkeo
Original Movie Title: Morbius
Original Release Date: 2022
Original Running Time: 104
Fanedit Release Date: TBD
Fanedit Running Time: 81
Subtitles Available?: Yes
Reviews are not required but they are really and truly appreciated.
*This is a lower quality file with stereo audio.

Current Change List:
Removed Marvel flip-page intro.
New intro credits and new medical DNA graphics, with new "A Marvel Elseworlds Origin Story" credit.
Costa Rica Intro scene removed, we begin in Greece.
Michael and Milo as children cheesy dialogue tightened, removal of Milo attacking boy after being attacked.
Martine's intro at Horizon tightened, no chess discussion with Anna
Martine first "Nobel" mention removed, her explicitly saying "vampire" genes is also removed.
Mention of induced coma for Anna removed. (as without a breathing tube, she would not survive induced coma)
Martine's cheesy lines asking Michael about whether he has many past "suitors" removed.
Michael saying his origami might be valuable removed.
Michael directing Martine to the vertebrae is removed. (she's a doctor, she knows!)
Michael shirtless checking out his new muscles removed.
Michael's hospital lines to Martine moved to when he checks on her in ship "I'm Sorry. You're gonna be okay."
FBI investigating ship and Agents' intro removed.
Part of Michael's verbal exposition of new powers removed when possible, as well as extraneous shots of him going hungry.
Michael visiting Martine at the hospital removed.
Agent's usage of "Exsanguinated" removed.
Shots of Milo in Hallway following the nurse removed, leaving only the hand reveal.
Michael hearing that the nurse was drained of her blood and facial shot of dead nurse removed.
Michael flying up the stairs removed, now he ran the whole way and could more easily be caught by the Agent.
Michael's notes and vocal exposition when he first gets to jail removed.
Agents discussing the holy water removed.
Michael's face changing during interrogation and removed dialogue about not liking him when he's hungry removed.
Agents at Subway crime scene removed.
Milo stalking Martine in the window from the alley removed.
"I am Venom" line removed.
Agents at Martine's apt removed.
Tightened Michael and Martine's first kiss.
Agents at bar guys crime scene removed.
Line about the poison being "deadly to bats" removed.
Mention of two vials of poison removed, and that Michael planning to kill himself too.
Michael calling Milo "Lucien" when he dies removed.
Close up shots of Agents watching the bat swarm removed.
Cinematic credits removed, straight to credit scroll.
Post Credit Scene removed.
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