Hi, our primary has just started to use THRASS. Not sure what it's all about yet because it does really start till September. It's phonics still but it's from Australia I think. They stopped using Letterland about 2-3 years ago, apparently when asked the sound Bouncy Ben made some children said Boing. School didnt like it.

I agree that while letterland has good stories to keep chidlren occupied, they begin to associated the shape with the name of the character and not the sound. This is sometimes a barrier to them learing the sound aeffectively bec you have a group of chidlren shouting annie apple when you trying to get them to make the sound of ]a] (for example) While most chidlren are able to make the transition, some find it particulalry hard to leave the letterland name behind. I prefer to use jolly phonics action and sounds but with the Progression in phonics thrown in for good measure.

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We started using a synthetic phonics scheme in our school called 'Salley', this was especially devised for chn. in our borough to improve our very poor results. We have used it this year with JP actions and will continue with JP in Reception.

i used letterland with my children and transfered it to my nursery but have now found that most of our children move up to the local school who use jolly phonics...so have just bought all the books and will change in sept.....

had this conversation somewhere else in the forum (its always a bone of contention for Reception teachers I think!) but I basically think that its whatever suits the school. I also felt I had to wean some children off LL and our management introduced JP. Our Nursery teacher hates its and i'm in two minds. I think its good for the phoneme side of teaching letters but not the grapheme. Our chn are now much poorer at handwriting as LL was great at teaching formation. Maybe the people who have found real success with JP have got more resorces than us? We have 2 puppets, the book and posters (wasn't impressed with video so muchand the pack we got with it was for teaching parents-we'd need an extra pair of hands to help with that) the photocopiables are great for Reception-i've adapted them by using the pictures to do CVC cut and stick activities and send the sheets as homework but the resources we have for nursery aren't much to speak of. Don't you find that the posters are confusing? p is for 'party' but some of my chn still look at the balloons and the cake and think it might be for b or c.. How does jolly phonics teach writing ? I undersatnd that they accociate each letter sound with an action (ie making the 'p' sound when blowing out the candles) but are they supposed to have the image of the letter in their mind as well?

Jolly Phonics is a phonics scheme used to teach the letter sounds of the English language. Each letter sound has a related action and are introduced gradually over time through the six phonics phases.

Explicit teaching of phonics is supported in South Australian classrooms. Jolly Phonics and Jolly Grammar are multi-sensory synthetic phonics programs, which includes activities and games for reading and spelling in addition to the main teaching content. It is aimed at children from preschool to year 3, and covers 42 letter sounds, common and alternative spelling patterns and grammatical concepts.

Jolly Phonics, a systematic/ synthetic phonics program (sounding out all through the word), provides a thorough foundation for reading and writing. It teaches 42 sounds in a multi-sensory, fun way that enables children to use them to read and write words. You will find that Jolly Phonics is effective as a stand-alone program but also fits in well with broader-based literacy programs. All of the material is suitable for use in school. Much of it is also well suited to use at home.


Jolly Phonics is a fun and child centred approach to teaching literacy through synthetic phonics. With actions for each of the 42 letter sounds, the multi-sensory method is very motivating for children and teachers, who can see their students achieve.

The letter sounds are split into these seven groups:

My daughter is in Senior Infants and while she had no problems per se with jolly phonics we did play the cd in the car every morning. We still have it in the car now, in senior infants, and play it some mornings but in junior infants the cd was played every morning and I really believe this helped. The jolly phonics is great and is worth putting the work in now as I noticed this year my dd does really well with spellings/ reading ect as she can sound the words out. My advise would be play the cd in the car as much as possible and enjoy the singing in the back of the car

Hi kia07Jolly phonics has a lovely app for iPad or phone which is really helpful. When my little fella wa doing blending in junior infants last year I found it helped to just blend 2 sounds initially to get them into habit eg b+ a= ba, t+ a= ta. If you keep one of the sounds the same it helps as they start to make the connection.

As the other posters said play the cd in car.

Hope that's some help.

A colleague of mine had a similar negative experience with phonics reading years ago, her son couldn't read at all by first class and she took a couple of weeks off work and also taught him to read using look and say. He has recently qualified as a doctor.

Jolly Phonics is a fun and child centred approach to teaching literacy through synthetic phonics. With actions for each of the 42 letter sounds, the multi-sensory method is very motivating for children. The letter sounds are split into seven groups, as shown in the Letter Sound Order chart below.

Using a synthetic phonics approach, Jolly Phonics teaches children the five key skills for reading and writing. Complimented by Jolly Readers and Jolly Grammar, it provides a thorough foundation for teaching literacy over three years in school (Reception to year 2).

The programme continues through the school years, by extending the earlier phonics teaching with further spelling, grammar and punctuation concepts. Each year of teaching provides continuous revision and consolidation of topics taught in previous years. This enables children to spell and punctuate more accurately, use a wider vocabulary and have a clear understanding of how language works.

Jolly Phonics uses the synthetic phonics method of teaching letter sounds for reading and writing in a way that is fun and multi-sensory. Following the mastery of sounds, children learn to decode phonetic words which helps them tobecome fluent beginner readers.

Jolly Phonics is a comprehensive phonics program designed to teach children the fundamental skills needed for reading and writing. Its key principles revolve around a multi-sensory approach, blending letter sounds, actions, and songs to engage learners actively. The program focuses on teaching phonemes (individual sounds), graphemes (the written representation of sounds), and blending them together to form words.

Jolly Phonics is a powerful ally in supporting the development of phonics skills in young learners. Through its multi-sensory approach, it engages children through various modalities, incorporating actions, songs, and visual aids to reinforce the connection between sounds and letters. The program follows a systematic and progressive approach, introducing letter sounds in a carefully designed sequence, allowing children to build their knowledge incrementally.

By emphasizing blending and segmenting skills, Jolly Phonics equips learners with the ability to decode and encode words confidently. Additionally, the explicit teaching of tricky words ensures that children develop a solid sight word vocabulary. With its comprehensive framework, Jolly Phonics sets young learners on a path to becoming skilled readers and writers by nurturing their phonics skills effectively.

Jolly Phonics is a comprehensive phonics program designed for early childhood education. It teaches children the essential skills of letter sounds, blending, segmenting, tricky words, and handwriting practice, building a strong foundation for literacy development.

Absolutely! Jolly Phonics is flexible and can be seamlessly integrated into existing early childhood education curricula and classroom activities. It can complement and enhance other literacy programs and approaches, providing an effective framework for teaching phonics and building strong literacy foundations.

Jolly Phonics has been extensively researched, and evidence-based studies have consistently shown its effectiveness in improving phonics skills, reading comprehension, and overall literacy outcomes. Case studies and testimonials from teachers and parents also provide strong support for the positive impact of Jolly Phonics in early childhood education.

This self-paced online course looks at how children learn to read and how phonics underpins this process. You will be introduced to the basics of phonics teaching and successful approaches that can be utilised. Through this course, you will gain an in-depth understanding of the Jolly Phonics approach and will learn how best to apply this knowledge in the classroom. If you are new to teaching the Jolly Phonics programme then this course is ideal for you. Many experienced teachers of Jolly Phonics also find this course very useful as a refresher. 17dc91bb1f

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