Discover the Blue City: Movie Shoot in Jodhpur 

Sure, here is a rephrased version of the history of Jodhpur:

In 1459, Rao Jodha, a Rajput chief of the Rathore clan, founded Jodhpur on a hill overlooking the Thar Desert. The city was strategically located on a trade route between Gujarat and Delhi and quickly became a major trading centre and a powerful Rajput kingdom.

The Mehrangarh Fort is a 15th-century landmark in Jodhpur, known for its palaces, temples, and museums. Maharaja Jaswant Singh II supported arts and architecture during his reign in the 18th century. 

Singh commissioned the construction of several beautiful buildings, including the Umaid Bhawan Palace, which is now a luxury hotel.

Jodhpur remained an important Rajput kingdom until the early 20th century. Jodhpur was once under British rule before becoming part of India. It's now a popular tourist destination known for its rich history, culture, and architecture.

The reason why Jodhpur is called the "Blue City" is a matter of some debate. It is believed by some that the colour blue was selected to aid in keeping homes cool under the blazing desert sun. Others say that the blue colour was chosen to represent the sky, considered a sacred symbol in Hinduism. Brahmin homes in Hinduism are painted blue to distinguish them.

The blue houses in Jodhpur add a beautiful touch to the desert landscape and are a defining feature of the area.

I hope this is more concise and easier to understand.

Bollywood Movies Shot In Jodhpur 

Several Bollywood movies have been shot in Jodhpur, a city in the state of Rajasthan, India. Here are some notable examples: