Jochen Chiropractic & Wellness Center

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Chiropractor Beverly Hills

At the Jochen Chiropractic and Wellness Center in Beverly Hills, California, the team of highly trained professionals advocates for a holistic and pain-free lifestyle. From chiropractic care to traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), this wellness center offers a variety of services to meet its patients’ health and wellness needs.

Stephen Jochen, DC, who specializes in a whole-person approach to chiropractic care, leads the team. Fellow chiropractor Nalani Camat, DC and Mathew Driscoll, join him to provide a variety of services that reduce pain and promote health and wellness.

Licensed acupuncturist Jainen Shin, LAC, MS, BS, is highly trained in TCM diagnosis. She also provides herbology services and cupping therapy.

At the Jochen Chiropractic and Wellness Center, Dr. Stephen Jochen and his team work together to bring patients the best and most well-rounded care possible, whether they need pain relief, sports injury treatment and prevention, or improvement in overall wellness.

With the amount of people suffering from back pain increasing every year, so too does the number of chiropractors. Many people are not sure what to look out for when choosing a good chiropractor and we will give you some helpful advice when it comes to making the right decision for you. The first step to know how to choose a good chiropractor is to know if you need one in the first place.

Chiropractors are trained to manipulate your spine to help the vertebrae sit well and for everything to be in the right position. It is normally the incorrect positioning of some bone, ligament or muscle that is causing your back pain problem and this is where a good chiropractor will be able to help and ease your suffering.

Many chiropractors will start with a discussion to determine your exact needs and to find out more about how they can help you let's start with a few simple ways to determine if your chiropractor is good:


It's an old adage but you should look for honesty in a chiropractor. If your chiropractor is honest, they will recommend the best treatment with the fastest results. If they recommend that you take supplements, an honest chiropractor will recommend the cheapest place to buy them instead of offering their own supplements. Many not-so-honest chiropractors will offer the patient a package of a set number of sessions and treatment. This is a bad sign, especially if they have yet to see how you are responding to any treatment so far. If a package is offered before they have a chance to determine your problems, that's a definite bad sign. If the chiropractor realizes that they cannot help you and instead refer to another specialist, that's an honest approach and a definite good sign.


If you hear about a chiropractor being recommended by a friend or family member, that's a good sign. The majority of good chiropractors don't have to advertise as they have built up an excellent reputation from their previous and current clients. This is the best sign that you have found a good chiropractor

Chiropractic Techniques

Different chiropractors use different techniques so it is important to know what they specialize in before choosing to work with one.


What To Wear To Chiropractor

If you have a problem with a specific area of your back, then that is the area that should be treated. Be wary of a chiropractor that recommends that you have treatment in a part of your back that have no problems with. In this case, it's better to seek a second opinion.

Chiropractor Tape

This may seem like an obvious point but there are still many non-certified chiropractors out there. Ensure you use a chiropractor that is certified with the American Chiropractic Association.

Chiropractor Doctor

While many chiropractors want to keep any clients they have, the reality is that they cannot treat all conditions.

Affordable Chiropractor

If your chiropractor identifies any underlying problem that is causing your back problem, you should then be referred to another specialist to deal with this.

Should I See A Chiropractor

A chiropractor who tries to keep the client, even though the condition is not relevant to his area of expertise is not a good chiropractor.

Sciatica Chiropractor

If you are like a most individuals who are enduring upper back pain, leg pain or are recuperating from an accident. Chances are you need to select a chiropractor that is certified to make the right decisions for treatments.

Chiropractor Vs Massage

Sometimes it is very difficulty for people to determine the most effective chiropractor to help their condition. Looking at an ad in a newspaper or Yellow Pages will not get you the top chiropractor in your area. Yellow Pages are obsolete in this day and age - no one is using them anymore.

Chiropractor Training

Going in the Internet is the best choice because it has a chiropractic directory so you can find the best local chiropractor's office in Florida.

Chiropractor For Scoliosis

Chiropractor Images


Jochen Chiropractic & Wellness Center Chiropractor
Jochen Chiropractic & Wellness Center Chiropractor Beverly Hills
Jochen Chiropractic & Wellness Center Chiropractor Cost
Jochen Chiropractic & Wellness Center Chiropractor Meaning
Jochen Chiropractic & Wellness Center Gonstead Chiropractor
Jochen Chiropractic & Wellness Center How Much Does A Chiropractor Cost

Here are some tips to consider while searching for a Chiropractor

Make a list of what type of chiropractor you are looking for or by the type injury or pain that you are having. You need to absolutely take the time to do an adequate search for several doctors before you go in for any consultation.

Obtaining a personal recommendation from an individual you know and trust is the best way of locating a suitable chiropractor who will do a great job for you.

It really is most effective to get recommendations from family,co-workers, friends, and even neighbors - talk to them about their experience with that chiropractor. They may have visited a chiropractor themselves too!

Use a local Chiropractor Directory on the Internet

When you do not know any person who has seen a chiropractor - look on the internet

Search for local chiropractic clinics within your local region -by using a chiropractor directory

Do to their web page - have your list ready

Do your research on their website - Are they the type of chiropractor you are looking for?

Check feedback from previous patients - read customer comments and reviews

If for any reason you do not see the type of chiropractor that you are looking for - then just go to the next chiropractor that is next in the local chiropractor directory. When you have chosen a chiropractors on the first visit they are likely to ask a couple of questions.

They can range from subjects about any past injuries - this is need because you want to ensure that they make the correct treatment choice. A good chiropractor will prescribe relaxation strategies, herbal remedies and overall physical exercise to help cure your spinal alignment and pain.

Some chiropractors will use a precision machine that looks like a gun - common approach that is used. At times a chiropractor's ability to rid the pain or injured area is questioned - painful symptoms from a person's age, or an old injury could also be a factor.

There are changes that a chiropractor will make that appear to be painful within the course of the procedure. It really is because the chiropractor is working with areas of the physique that got out of alignment.

Re-adjusting the physique to return to a standard wholesome state ordinarily demands direct action for correct healing.

If a chiropractor is wanting you to have any type of surgery - you might want to look elsewhere for another suitable chiropractor to meet your alignment needs. In addition you will discover various kinds of diagnostic machines that several chiropractors use too. Pay particular attention to their treatments for the neck.

How a chiropractor perform adjustments to the neck - could make or break your decision.

Jochen Chiropractic & Wellness Center Files

Many people consider chiropractors as being "quack" doctors. However, many swear by the relief that visiting a chiropractor has brought to them. For those who do not know, a chiropractor is someone who attempts to fix various conditions of the body by placing bones and joints in their "proper" alignment. Chiropractor treatment costs can vary due to several factors:

1) Distance - most chiropractors prefer to practice in their clinics although quite a few do make house calls. Chiropractor treatment costs often increase with the distance that a chiropractor has to travel in case of a house call. Of course, this is because of the fact that chiropractors do have to spend money in order to get to a house.

Distance also refers to the accessibility of the chiropractor. The chiropractor treatment costs increase if the chiropractor is easily accessible. Some who have out-of-the way clinics may charge lower rates for the simple reason that their inaccessibility lowers the number of their clients.

2) Medicine - the cost of the medicine that the chiropractor uses also affects the cost of the treatment. It is often the case that a chiropractor will not prescribe a conventional medicine but rather use herbal or supplementary medicine. What you should know is the fact that there is often no fixed price on this type of medicine. Some medicines are seasonal and therefore change prices. Chiropractor treatment costs often vary with the medicine.

3) Nature of treatment - different chiropractors take different approaches to heal a patient's ailments. The nature of the recommended remedy also affects the chiropractor treatment cost. Some chiropractors may attempt to remedy a problem using massage.

Some chiropractors use heat therapy in order to fix whatever is wrong with a patient. Others make use of water therapy in order to relax the stress felt by a patient that is causing the illness. Still other chiropractors make use of acupuncture in order to heal an ailment.

Depending on the nature and difficulty of the treatment, the chiropractor cost can either be very cheap or very expensive. Some chiropractor treatments make use of x-rays and ultrasound in order to determine what's wrong. These procedures can add a bit more to the chiropractor treatment cost.

Jochen Chiropractic & Wellness Center - 310-556-8071

Chiropractor Requirements

Chiropractor For Back Pain


Jochen Chiropractic & Wellness Center

9478 West Olympic Blvd. Penthouse

Beverly Hills, California 90212



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If you are tired of taking unnecessary drugs for your back pain or neck pain, you need to consult the finest chiropractor who has a good experience. Whether you have to decide on a food menu or the best dress for the party or choosing the right chiropractor, making decisions are always complicated and difficult as well.

You can see many ads or websites on the Internet for finding chiropractors nearby your place but who is the right one for you is a big question. Following are some useful tips to consider while selecting the right chiropractor for you.

Find the right type of chiropractor Every chiropractor is specialized in a different area. For neck injuries, ankle sprain, child health, women health etc. there are different chiropractors for the different type of injuries/disorders. So it's very important to find the right type of chiropractor who is specialized in diagnosing the problem you have. This should be your first step while choosing the chiropractor for you.

Make sure you are going to a certified chiropractor Always be aware of fake chiropractors who are practicing without any license. There are so many non-certified chiropractors out there. So, before making an appointment make sure that the chiropractor you have chosen is the certified one.

Make sure the chiropractor takes interest in you Always go for a demo first before making an appointment. It's very important to consult someone who is interested in healing you and not just making money from your treatment. The bonding between a patient and a doctor is very important as it helps you heal fast. Factors like how your chiropractor makes you feel comfortable and how much he is focusing on your injury. The very first meeting with your chiropractor tells a lot about him. So always go for a demo first.

Always check reviews Reviews from the patients tell a lot about the chiropractor from whom they have treated. Really, checking reviews and testimonials are of a great help and is one of the important factors to consider while choosing a chiropractor for you.

Jochen Chiropractic & Wellness Center - 310-556-8071 Links

Before starting chiropractic treatment, it is a good idea to arrange a telephone interview or ask for an in-office consultation to learn more about the chiropractor, the clinic, and the techniques offered. Sometimes, the chiropractor will request a personal consultation to discuss such details.

For most people seeking chiropractic care, it is important to feel comfortable and have a good relationship with the chiropractor and the clinic. This can go a long way in gaining a positive treatment experience. Consider the things that would make you feel most comfortable and use these as part of your judgment. This may mean how long you have to wait for appointments, how easy it is to get hold of your chiropractor or the location of the clinic.

Answering your own questions is also a crucial part in the decision process. Some things you may want to consider asking include:

  1. Is the chiropractor friendly and polite?

  2. Do you feel comfortable talking with the chiropractor?

  3. Does the chiropractor fully answer all of your questions?

  4. Does the chiropractor listen to your explanation of symptoms and treatment preferences?

  5. How many years has the chiropractor been in practice?

If it makes you feel more comfortable, you may also want to conduct some background research on the chiropractor. It is your body; you can take as long as you need to decide on which chiropractor will be treating you.

Selecting a health care professional is something that should be done with care. Do not feel under any obligation to be treated by the first chiropractor you interview - some patients speak to several chiropractors before finding one best suited to treat their problems.

Remember that the chiropractor's role is to recommend the recommended course of care for you, and it is your decision whether or not to accept those recommendations. You should never feel like a chiropractor is pressuring you into a treatment or payment decision.

Before selecting a chiropractor, you should be aware that there are many different chiropractic techniques. Some chiropractors perform joint manipulation with their hands only, while others use various instruments. Also, some chiropractors use quick but firm manipulation, while others have a lighter technique. Think about the kind of techniques you prefer. Do you like the immediate feeling of relief after the "joint popping" type of spinal manipulation or do you prefer something a little more subtle?

The more you know your own requirements, the better you will be able to choose a suitable chiropractor

Jochen Chiropractic & Wellness Center - 310-556-8071 Guide KWs