The Question bank allows a teacher to create, preview and edit questions in a database and use them in the Quiz (or selected ones in a Lesson) activity. Questions are organized in categories and subcategories similar to the way files are stored in folders and subfolders. These categories may be limited to being used on the site, course or quiz level.

New in 4.3: columns you see in the Question bank are separate Moodle plugins. What you see in the Question bank depends on what the administrator has enabled or disabled from Site administration > Question bank plugins > Manage Question bank plugins. They can also rearrange the order the columns appear from Site administration > Plugins > Question bank plugins > Column sort order. However, since Moodle 4.3 teachers can rearrange, remove or resize these columns to customise their own view of the question bank. A reset columns option is also available.

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From the Status column you can see which questions are ready to be used in quizzes and which need checking by colleagues. Whether a question is draft or read can be specified when creating the question as well as in this column.

Questions are organised into categories. Initially each course has only one category called "Default". It is good practice to create more categories to organize your questions. This not only makes it easier to find questions, but makes the use of random questions and matching questions easier. You can create a hierarchy of categories because you can create subcategories inside parent categories. To add or edit categories click on the "Categories" tab.

The question editing screen shows the questions from the currently selected category. You choose this category from the Select a category drop-down menu. Using the tick box below that menu you determine whether to also show the questions from all subcategories.

If a question is deleted when it is still being used by a quiz, then it is not removed from the database, because that would cause all sorts of problems. Instead it is just set to hidden. 'Also show old questions' is for showing these hidden questions.

There are separate question category trees in each different 'context' in which questions are shared. The contexts available to you depend on whether you access the question bank from an activity or from a course and depend on the permissions assigned you for access to questions. See Question contexts for more information on these contexts.

A QuestionBank is associated with a specific course. As I've been teaching the samecourse multiple times, I find myself continuously refining my questions toenhance their quality. These modifications are saved exclusively within theQuestion Bank of that specific course. However, when I want to use an improvedversion of a question in a different course, I need to export and import thequestion. (These questions are typically STACK-type questions, and there arehundreds of them.)

To addressthis, I reached out to our administrator, who created a "sub-QuestionBank" for me and my colleagues. This sub-Question Bank serves as a centralrepository for all our questions. The challenge arises when there are four ofus, the teachers, each possessing hundreds of questions. This makes it quitedifficult to effectively manage and utilize this shared sub-Question Bank.

My questionis: Is it possible to have a similar sub-Question Bank designed for individualteachers? Could I have a personal question bank that is accessible across allof my courses? Thiswould allow me to categorize, organize, and utilize my questions, with updates being automatically applied to each of my courses where thequestion is used.

For me, this resembles the Content Bank tool and repository in some way, where teachers can link H5P activities to the instances of H5P contents added and created in a "mother" course's Content Bank. I'm not surprised users are now seeking a similar functionality for quiz questions. Add to that the Public-Shared-Listed vs Private-Unlisted switching of status on H5P contents and we end up having a pretty effective mechanism for creating, maintaining, and (if desired) sharing contents.

We currently used 'shared questions' with courses organized in the 'District' category. These are courses for specific reason that students need to complete(e.g. Civics Exam for cohort grad year or early SEL curriculum courses for grades K-8). The screenshot attached so the structure for the Civics Course which was created for the Class of 2017 to Class of 2028 the incoming freshmen so there are now 12 courses using the same 100 questions. This was the easiest example to show the structure instead of the SEL which started in 17-18 school year.

One of the benefits of 'shared questions' for the Civics course, is that every 2 years or a new appointment there are 11 potential questions that need to be updated. This is easy enough for a single course, but when these 11 questions are in 4 active courses used once in the US Citizenship Civics Exam and a self-paced Unit Exam: (e.g. Courts) that could be 88 potential edits (worst scenario, but things are crazy now). The Question Editor only needs to change a single question - however since it is a new version the quizzes have to be open and regraded to make sure that the newest version appears on the quiz. That is an extra step, but if 3 questions were updated - that is only a single click for 4 courses instead of editing 24 questions and then regrading each course.

One struggle that only the Question Editor experiences is when working at the Category (QB) level is the performance. When making the screenshot and clicked on Gr00 Courst (4) to view the Questions it took 10 minutes to load. Not sure if it is related to that the question is used a total of 20 time in 12 courses. Plus that the each course depending if question was used in Overall 100pt Exam (1000+ attempts) or Self-Paced 4-11 Question Exam (0-100 attempts). 

We used to display the Question statistics (very useful) but it seemed to even slow it down more that even got error messages.

When you select questions from a bank and add them to an assessment, copies of the questions are created and added to the assessment. You can edit the copies in your assessment without affecting other assessments. Changes you make to one instance of the question or content aren't reflected in the other instances. If you want changes to show in all instances, you must find and edit each copied instance.

As the file imports, you can view the supported question types. You'll receive a success message when the file imports successfully. You'll also receive a message if the file or some question types weren't uploaded.

When you delete a question bank, it is permanently removed from your course. If you copied questions from the bank into one or more assessments, those questions remain in your assessments after you delete the bank. However, you can't delete question banks used in question pools.

Question Bank is a free tool which allows you to create practice question papers from thousands of WJEC past paper questions. Find the questions you need, add them to your paper and export your paper with accompanying mark scheme and examiner's comments as a PDF ready to use in the classroom.

Hi Amy,

If you're using the same set of questions on the question bank, you'd probably be better of copy/pasting the .story file and make changes on your copy. That way you will retain the question bank (and all the questions).

Thaks for the reply but that won't work - 1 project has just 1 question back while the other currently has 4 (an extended version of the first) and I need to add the question bank form the first project to the second - thereby having 5 question banks.

You probably have solved this already, but if double click on a question in the question bank, it opens all of the questions as slides. You can then copy those slides and paste them into the new Storyline file where you would start a new question bank and choose "import questions already in this project" then select the slides with questions you just pasted.

This is not obvious how to accomplish but I figured it out (though I see this thread is a year old). For example, I have two separate projects that I want to combine. I want to add the questions bank from "B" to the "A" project. I opened the blank question bank in project "A" and clicked to add a question. The options box appears where you can choose the type of question, but there is also a tab called "IMPORT" which allows you to browse to another project and import slides from there. It imports the "B" question bank as a new question bank in "A". DONE.

Note: To successfully add random questions to a quiz you must have enough unused questions in your question bank to avoid reusing questions already added to the quiz. A question can only appear once in any quiz, so the more questions in the category you are drawing from, it is more likely for students to receive different questions on each attempt. When a quiz with random questions is retaken, the random questions will be different from the ones in previous attempts.

Important: To ensure you have enough unused questions in the Question category to successfully randomize questions, you should preview the entire quiz. You can do this from the Actions menu on the Quiz summary page: From the Actions menu list, click Preview. e24fc04721

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