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Ready Set Play brand identity and web design

A brand identity and web design for an inclusive place that looks and feels all about video games.

Who: Ready Set Play. A video game community.

What: Brand identity and web design.

Why: Look and feel for an inclusive place that's all about video games.

Role: Designer, from content to user experience.

Tools: Figma, Affinity Designer. 

When: March, 2021.

Ready Set Play logo with a game controller and slingshot
Brand colors
Invite splash image for Discord server
Twitter cover image for social profile, images from Ratchet and Clank, Super Mario + Rabbids, and Kena
Social media article image for The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
Social media article image for Super Mario 3D World + Bowser’s Fury
Front page with news, game of the month, and podcast episodes
A page that lists news and reviews, with filtering on tags
An article with every component in use