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Handmade Icons

Handmade icons made to improve my own mental symbol library, and have a lot of fun making icons.

Who: Myself.

What: Icons.

Why: To improve my own mental symbol library, and have a lot of fun making icons.

Role: Icon Designer.

Tools: Figma, iPad. 

When: March, 2023. Ongoing.

You can grab stickers, clothes, and more with icons in my print on demand shop.

Almost, but different

What do you do when you need an icon to explain a unique function in your product, and the icon need to fit your style? There's a chance that the icon library you normally use, won't fit this time.

I make custom icons for products, you can see some below.

Icons: Heart, skull, robot, game controller, bomb, diamond, lollipop, candy, ghost
Icons: Beach ball, sand castle, ice cream, conch, palm island, donut, flip flops, rubber duck, drink
Icons: Shield, hourglass, sword, magic wand, crystall ball, wizard hat, key, eye, DND dice
Icons: Stairway in door, popsicle, handheld game console, bear, house and garden, carrot, coffee cup, potted plant, calendar
Icons: Pine tree, gingerbread person, ornament, wooly hat, stocking, scarf, present, snowflake, candy cane