Javier de la Nuez González

I am a postdoctoral researcher at the department of mathematics of the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), Bilbao. I earned my PhD in November 2016 in Münster under the supervision of Katrin Tent.

I am interested in in the interactions between model theory and group theory, in particular geomeric group theory and the model theory of non-abelian free groups, automorphism groups of homogeneous structures from the topological point of view and the model theory of the curve graph and other geometric complexes.


  1. Simple groups with infinite verbal width and the same positive theory as free groups , j. with Montserrat Casals-Ruiz, Albert Garreta and Ilya Kazachkov (arXiv:1911.02117, submitted)
  2. On the positive theory of groups acting on trees , j. with M. Casals-Ruiz and Albert Garreta (arXiv:1910.09000, submitted)
  3. Group topologies on automorphism groups of homogeneous structures, j. with Zaniar Ghadernezhad (arXiv:1909.03136, submitted)
  4. Linearity of graph products, j, with Federico Berlai (arXiv:1906.11958, submitted)
  5. Some lower bounds of the Shelah rank in the free group , j. with Chloé Perin and Rizos Sklinos (arXiv:1812.04468, submitted)
  6. On the expansion of free groups by cosets of a finite index subgroup (submited)