Math 325 - 01 Fall 23

Welcome to Math 325!

Here, you will find important information about the course,  and course documents, such as the course syllabus and homework assignments.

** Important announcements will be posted on our Moodle course page. **

Class information and schedule:

Instructor:  Joe Kraisler

Time:  Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays at 1:00 - 1:50 pm

Room:  Seeley Mudd 207

How can you contact me?

You can email me at or drop by my office SCCE E206 during office hours.

Office hours: Please stop by my office hours whenever you have questions. You do not need a separate appointment to show up for office hours. The purpose of office hours is for us to work through problems together. Don’t expect to simply be given the answers. These are really meant to be (non-intimidating) mathematical conversations. The office hour schedule (starting on September 11th) is as follows:

  Monday 3 - 4 pm   ||     Wednesday 3 - 4 pm    ||   Thursday 4 - 5 pm    || Friday 3 - 4 pm 

Important dates: 

Homework: Homework assignments will be posted on Moodle and on this website (click on the "Homework" button at the top of the page), and should be submitted through Gradescope.

**For more details on assessments, course policies, grading, etc., please read the Syllabus.**