Jaekwan Jeon

Email :  jkjeon.math@gmail.com

Academic Appointment

2023. 11. 01 ~ present,  Research Fellow,  IBS-CGP

2023. 09. 01~ 2023. 10. 31, Postdoctoral researcher,  Department of Mathematics,  Chungnam National University

Research Interest

Algebraic geometry,  especially deformation theory of surface singularities and its relation with symplectic geometry

Preprints & Publications

In progress


2015 BSc in Mathematics Education,  Chungnam National University

2017 MSc in Mathematics ,  Chungnam National University

2023 PhD in Mathematics,  Chungnam National University


2017- 2018 Global Ph.D. Fellowship Program,  Korean Government

2020- 2022 Research Subsidies for Ph.D. Candidates ,  Ministry of Education