I don't have a lot of experience in music. Before trying to make my first song in Logic pro X, I used Garageband for 2 songs. In garageband the export process was perfect. but in Logic pro, when I try to bounce the song, it sounds really different. I read some threads on this forum, about the Normaize function, the output format (I used PCM).

But there's something I don't understand, why the bounce doesn't export exactly as I heard it in Logic pro ? I could capture the audio with third party software while I play it in logic pro, and it would give a better result than the logic pro bounce. That sounds really silly to me, there must be a way to do that in logic pro. Could someone explain me what I'm doing wrong ?

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@3ple, yes I think it makes sense. I understand the normalize problem. I have to think about your "limiting so you don't have one single compressor and/or limiter doing all the work at the end", because I'm not sure to understand this part. Now that I have an AdLimiter on the master, the bounces sound ok to me, but I'm not an expert, maybe I should use AdLimiter on individual tracks and see of it makes a difference. So many things to learn here.

I am trying to bounce (export) my song that I made in Logic Pro, however every time I do so, Logic pro refuses to bounce the first measure of my project. I set the song beginning and ending markers in the right place, but this doesn't fix my problem..

Sorry, but that's not true. It is true however, that it is not recommended to start any project before 1 1 1 1, because Logic can become unreliable. Still, if there's sound before bar 1, and the bounce is set to begin at bar 0 or -1 or so, it should still bounce.

Yes, as I said, it is not recommended to start Logic projects before 1 1 1 1, as all sorts of weird stuff can happen, and the problem is that it is not at all predictable what will (or won't) happen. Sometimes everything just works. And sometimes not. If Jeremy's project does start before 1 1 1 1, it certainly is a good tip to move everything so it starts at or after 1 1 1 1.

Logic does not buffer data until the sequencer starts running, if you have any "look ahead" plugins in the project Logic will almost always skip data at the beginning of a bounce, this is why it's recommended give Logic a bit of "run time" before the bounce starts.

AUM isn't a DAW. It has no idea what the various connected apps are doing. It is strictly a real-time app. Setting up a master bus through which all the audio flows and putting that bus in record mode and recording is how you can capture the audio to a file. It doesn't have a non-realtime bounce/render.

When I bounce a project it goes past the project end and/or doesn't stop and I have to force quit. The markers are all correct and it show the right ones in the bounce window but when I do the actual bounce it just keeps going - anybody got a clue what's uo here ? I can't do much with it as it stands when a 2 minute sing bounces as seven or eight minutes

I have tried with and without - the bounce adds as much as a few minutes past the end of the project. All of the numbers are correct in the bounce and also on the main counter but it still bounces out with bunch of silence Maddening.

If the file is being named exactly the same it's possible a cached version is being played? Try another bounce, deselect include reverb tails, turn normalization to off, bounce file under a different name... for the heck of it reboot the computer, import the file into Logic and take a look at it.

I always check where this marker is when bouncing, as it seems to ignore cycle loop selections. Personally, I prefer to have "include audio tails" checked in the bounce preferences (to retain reverb & delay tails at the end of a song)...

Alternative to yoyoBen's answer (which will also solve your issue) is to set a cycle (loop) region for the length of your entire song. When you bounce it will start bouncing at the cycle start point and stop at the end of the cycle point no matter what.

The total number of tracks in a project is limited only by the capabilities of the hardware. On an i7 with SSD I can run a 3 minute project with 256 mono tracks, though Audacity is becoming a bit sluggish with this number of tracks.

I'm trying to create a rainbow flow effect on these (Adafruit NeoPixel Digital RGB LED Strip 144 LED) strips. But I also attached a Sound Sensor and when it detects sound I want it to flow out (like leds bounce out and back) to the beat of the music when detected.

I'm in the mix-and-master phase of a project, so I've been going back to tweak and retweak mixes. Somewhere along the way, Logic Pro X has started playing projects WHILE it is in the process of bouncing them to disk. I have no clue what setting I could have changed for this to happen, and I've been unable to locate a setting that seems relevant to turn off this feature.

It doesn't cause any problems (yet) with the resulting bounced audio, but it does make the bounce process take considerably longer. My bounces usually processed (without audio playing concurrently) in about 10-20 seconds. Now they take the entire duration of the project.

Settings for the bounces are below. These are the same settings I've been using for ages. The only thing I somewhat recently changed was that I unchecked "Add to iTunes" because I got sick of deleting files every time I re-mixed a project.

That said, this auto-playback has only been happening for about the past 5-6 bounces, but I unselected that option long before then. About twice as many bounces went through without auto-playback before it started doing this.

On June 26, 2012, the duo was invited to record an own rendition of "Na Na Na" by Yoo Seung-jun to be performed on the second season of MBC's music program MM Choice.[23] Between June and October, they also starred in SBS MTV reality show Diary for 45 episodes.[24][25]

JJ Project earned 1.25 billion won over the year[35] from their activities in the music field, and endorsement deals with LG's teen cosmetic line nana's B,[36] clothing brand TBJ,[37] and Reebok.[38][39]

In April 2013, the duo appeared once again as actors for the MBC's drama When a Man Falls in Love.[40] While they were preparing for their second album,[41] they were reintegrated into JYPE's new boy band project group, and on January 16, 2014, they debuted as members of Got7.[2][3]

When the mix has been finished, the user can bounce the mix into a single stereo file for future playback on a regular audio system like an iPod, car stereo or your receiver at home. This tutorial shows the steps needed to accomplish this task.

In order to bounce or export a mix in Ableton, the user must make sure the Start and End Point Markers are placed at the start and at the end of the arrangement. This is crucial because the Export function will only export the parts that are contained within those markers. In this case, the area within the markers is shown highlighted in turquoise blue. This is important to pay attention to when approaching the topic of How to Bounce a Mixdown in Ableton Live.

In contrast, export entails exporting your project or chosen portions as audio files in various formats for eventual distribution, archiving, or additional processing outside of Logic Pro X. A project can be exported in a variety of ways, such as a stereo mixdown, as individual tracks, or as specified project areas.

Determine whether you want the stems normalized to a specified level during the bounce process. Normalization is the process of adjusting the entire volume to a constant level. Consider if dithering, which decreases quantization

Before bouncing stems, you should always create a backup of your Project. If something goes wrong during the bounce process, you are guaranteed to have a safe duplicate of your Project. To keep track of your work, you also need to save your Project with a new version name or raise the version number.

In Logic Pro X, bouncing all the tracks in a project and replacing the tracks with the bouncing files is one of the simplest ways to bounce stems. This enables you to distribute the Logic project in a more portable, smaller file format.

Save your work in progress and clone your existing Logic project into a new one before bouncing your stems. By doing this, you may be confident that your original recorded files will remain when you bounce the stems.

Step 7: Press OK when you have the settings you desire. All of your stems will be bounced by Logic, replacing any existing tracks in the Project with bounced recordings.

Bouncing stems help you work together, mix, master, and distribute your music. You can make backups, work with the audio files in other apps, or provide certain tracks to other producers or mix engineers.

Musical Bounce Back, which is co-financed by the Erasmus+ program of the European Union, is a resilient and unifying project. Thanks to musical creations, an innovative pedagogical journey and the realization of a documentary, this project will raise awareness among euro-mediterranean musicians, performers, teachers and publics about gender equality, and especially the promotion and visibility of female composers.

Concerts, workshops, round tables and in-person and online rehearsals will be organized over three years which enables to meet, discover and maintain the link between musicians and female composers involved in the project.

For the Musical Bounce Back project, PIANO AND CO is commissioning musical creations from the female composers Esthir LEMI (Greece), Angela DA PONTE (Portugal), Narin MEKHITARYAN and Eve RISSER (France). 0852c4b9a8

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