Hello, I'm JiYeon Im🔮


Recently, I work for AI researching and engineering in Artificial Intelligence team at AIDOT.

We develop the AI services for medical / healthcare area.

M.S student in Data eXperience Lab at Sungkyunkwan University, advised by Eunil Park. 

Interest in Deep-Learning and User Experience for real world social problems.

Feel free to contact me at 

ijy711@naver.com 💗


M. Sc. in  Applied Artificial Intelligence 

Sungkyunkwan University Seoul, Republic of Korea  (2021 - 2023)

B. S. in Mathematics  and Chemistry

Duksung Women's University at Seoul, Republic of Korea (2009 - 2015)


Work Experience

AI Research Engineer in AIDOT (2023 - )

Full Stack Developer in IACCESS (2017 - 2020)

Experienced Projects