After the lastest update 25th August 2023 version 2023.8.0) the mobile app on my android phone crashes / closes after having to re-enter Master Password. This is the most recent update in Play store.

I have uninstalled and reinstalled the app, cleared the cache in the app.

I even tried login in via the web browser and no luck. On the web browser an error appears after entering my Master Password (user key not found). But in the mobile app it just closes the app after entering Master password.

Please help!

i need to dismiss the default lock screen on some cases . it is possible using KeyguardManager.KeyguardLock , but it's deprecated and might not be available on the new android v4 version (ICS) .instead , here android docs i read that i should use "Use FLAG_DISMISS_KEYGUARD and/or FLAG_SHOW_WHEN_LOCKED "

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so I've tried playing with them , but no matter what i try , after closing the activity that use those flags , i get back to the default lock screen , even if it's not the secure one . what is going on , and how should i fix it?

Check our issue 8778, which seems to be similar to what you are facing. The FLAG_DISMISS_KEYGUARD constant will ONLY work if you are using an Activity, it must not be PixelFormat.TRANSLUCENT, and it is forcing itself to be full screen, hiding system decoration like the status bar. The KeyguardManager API is deprecated, but it still works on Android 4.0 ICS and it is arguably your best bet at disabling the lock screen reliably and from any part of your code (even a background Service).

I'm using v7 of NotificationCompat to build a notification. I want it to have a public version with less information for the lock screen, and a private version with more information for the notifications list available when the phone is unlocked. The instructions in the android developer documentation are pretty straight forward... But they're not working for me. I get the private version all the time, even on the lock screen.

I don't want someone to be able to look through my notes without unlocking, but I would like to create notes without unlocking. I'd like similar behavior to the camera app, which allows me to take a picture without unlocking, but won't let me look at any pre-existing pictures without unlocking the phone. I'm not comfortable allowing access to my notes on the lock screen.

You'll be more pissed about somebody using or stealing your phone than that there are some new notes in that specific notebook and, well, you can easily delete these notes and block this phone from sending these notes to that notebook.

I agree that if it were possible to create an Evernote note from the lock screen without unlocking, that would not pose a security risk for existing notes and data. My only concern was the possibility of someone getting hold of someone else's phone and trolling or pranking them through Evernote. Not an issue for me, but might be for some.

Yea, not an issue for me either. The worst case scenario is not that bad and is extremely unlikely to happen too. You'll be more pissed about somebody using or stealing your phone than that there are some new notes in that specific notebook and, well, you can easily delete these notes and block this phone from sending these notes to that notebook.

Currently satisfied with the Onenote lockscreen thing. Can activate and deactivate this balloon very easily. I super don't like everything else about OneNote and I am happy that I found CloudHQ to get these notes to Evernote. I think Evernote should get this same function to their app. It's really good. Only thing that leave this balloon, box, Evernote logo, whatever object, only to doing the thing on the lockscreen.

Evernote has gotten many things awesome when they first launched. I like the way desktop version of Evernote presents notes. It gives a preview or overview of each note or all notes, a good sense of what's where and, all-in-all, I tried OneNote and imported my Evernote stuff there and I really don't like the way I have to navigate around in OneNote and how it presents the notes. So Evernote really good overall, but some features that Onenote has are currently obvious improvements over Evernote, such as providing the ability to take notes from the lockscreen, which lured me to test out Onenote.

Already tried Parchi before tried Onenote. Evernote should definitely simulate the way Parchi does it with the UI on the lockscreen. Very simple. Just click on the icon, write a note, and send. Nothing else.

Unfortunately, there are too many issues with Parchi. Parchi notes do go to Onenote but it's full of bugs as it is sort of discontinued it seems. And it doesn't seem to throw this option to take a note from the lockscreen when disconnected from active wifi/4G connection.

And so there's also OneNote now, which does exactly the same thing, allowing to take notes right from the lockscreen. However, it disables the feature when restarting the phone (so does Parchi), and the icon that allows to take quick notes stays hanging out there in front of my screen also when the phone is unlocked.

I'm using Tasker so I'm going to check if I can make the "badge" button to launch when phone screen goes off, and close when phone gets unlocked, and in case I succeed in that and even better in case I can get those notes somehow forwarded to Evernote, it's great (but no matter what Evernote has to add this function - the current one is no good because I still have to unlock the device).

As noted in my post above, in the current Android Evernote app you can go to Settings > Sound and notification > Application notifications, then scroll down to Evernote, tap that , and then be sure that "Hide noti. on Lock screen" is unchecked. That should place on the lock screen a link to the quick note feature found on the pull-down from the notification screen. I have to swipe the lock screen (the only "security" I have on it) after I tap the link, which does make it less immediate, so that @Henryx200's issue does remain significant. OTOH, a completely unsecured note-creation feature might raise issues of its own.

Doh! I hadn't tried the pull-down menu on the lock screen before! Yes, it is possible to create a note from the lock screen via that menu!! I also have swipe security only (while on this wifi) so I don't know what password or fingerprint protection might do to the process. Uninstalling Parchi now...

The Evernote feature does show a link in the notification bar once the phone is unlocked, but that bar isn't something that Android shows on the lock screen. The entries you see on the lock screen about messages received or other activity are also shown on the notification bar, but they seem to be a different class of notification in Android.

Is this already available? I have a 6-digit number to unlock the phone and even if I'd do it with a short swipe or shorter pin, it's distracting and time-consuming. When I have an insight I don't want any obstacles and hoops on the way of writing it down. Having able to have a quick way to jot down notes straight from the lock-screen without unlocking the device is meaningfully useful.

Hi. The Evernote feature does show a link in the notification bar once the phone is unlocked, but that bar isn't something that Android shows on the lock screen. The entries you see on the lock screen about messages received or other activity are also shown on the notification bar, but they seem to be a different class of notification in Android.

As mentioned above, MS's 'Parchi' was written to appear on the lock screen and it is possible there to start a new note without unlocking the phone. MS obviously felt the same as you do about the need for immediacy when noting things down. While Parchi isn't as fully-featured a note app as Evernote, you can export notes from it in a variety of ways. If you want to investigate further you may find that app automation tools like IFTTT would allow you to automatically transfer notes started in Parchi to Evernote. If all else fails, it's still possible to 'share' individual notes into Evernote.

Yes, that's been there for quite some time (see my post from Oct. 5 last year; I don't think it was new then). That's the "quick note" feature that pulls down from the notification bar while the phone is unlocked. The new features seems just to be a link to this on the lock screen.

GOOD NEWS! The most recent update to the Android app now makes it possible to add a quick note from the lock screen. This capability is not announced directly in the update notes, which indicate only "Adjust the note text size for better readability. Customize Evernote notifications you care about from Android system settings. Enjoy new Android O features on Evernote." It's the notifications that make this happen. On my somewhat outdated Android 6.0.1 (Marshmallow) phone, I can go to Settings > Sound and notification > Application notifications, then scroll down to Evernote. Tapping that brings up a set of choices: ff782bc1db

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