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Jinwan Park's Website

Research Interest

  • Regularity of solutions and free boundaries for free boundary problems

  • Free boundary problem in Finance

  • Finance

Professional Experience

  • Mar. 2022-Present Assistant professor, Kongju National University, Seoul, Korea

  • Oct. 2020-Feb. 2022 Postdoctoral Fellow, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea

  • Apr. 2019-Aug. 2020 Postdoctoral Fellow, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan

  • Mar. 2019 Postdoctoral Fellow, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea


  • Feb. 2019 Ph.D. in Mathematics, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea

Major: Obstacle Problem, Partial Differential Equations

Thesis: The Regularity of Obstacle Problems

Advisor: Prof. Ki-Ahm Lee

  • Aug. 2014 Master in Mathematics, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea

Major: Obstacle Problem, Partial Differential Equations

Thesis: Properties of Obstacle Problem and Free Boundary Problem

Advisor: Prof. Ki-Ahm Lee

  • Aug. 2011 Undergraduate Degree in Mathematics, Inha University, Incheon, Korea

Contact Information

  • e-mail jinwan@kongju.ac.kr