Jingang Zhao's Working Papers

(Updated 12/2018)

Forthcoming/Recent Publications:

A Reexamination of the Coase Theorem”, Journal of Mechanism and Institution Design 3 (2018), 111-132;

"Three Little-known and yet still Significant Contributions of Lloyd Shapley", Games and Economic Behavior 108 (2018), 592–599;

TU Oligopoly Games and Industrial Cooperation”, chapter 14 in Handbook of Game Theory and Industrial Organization, Corchón and Marini (ed.). Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar (2018, 392–422).

Under Review/Revision:

“A Conjecture on Scarf’s Core Theorem” (revised 2015);

"Estimating the Merging Costs and Organizational Costs: Methodology and the Case of 1887-1914 Sugar Monopoly" (revised 2014);

“The Most Reasonable Solution for an Asymmetric Three-firm Oligopoly” (revised 2013);

"The Strategic Equilibrium in an Oligopoly Market with Indivisibility" (with S. Yao, revised 2009);