Brief Biography 

Jingang Zhao is Professor of Economics at the University of Saskatchewan. He previously taught at Iowa Sate University (2000-2002) and Ohio Sate University (1992-2000). He received his BE in applied math and mechanics from Beijing Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics in 1981, his MS in math econ under Quanling Wei from Renmin University of China in 1984 and his PhD in economics under Herbert Scarf, Martin Shubik and Richard Levin from Yale University in 1992.

Professor Zhao is renowned for his discovery of hybrid games, which were highlighted by JEP’s Forecasts for the Future of Economics (Allen, 146-148, Winter 2000) as a pivotal area in 21st-century economic theory. He has also made significant contributions to the study of horizontal mergers and the Coase theorem. His current research focuses on the impact of free trade agreements.