Hi, my name is Jim.


I'm a postdoc at the Australian National University with Alwen Tiu, working on a project about protocol security. Specifically, we investigate how to handle algebraic properties of operators in security protocols.

Before starting this postdoc, I did a PhD supervised by Dirk Pattinson, also at the Australian National University. My PhD thesis is titled "Dualities for Modal Logic" and is currently under review.

I did a bachelor and master in mathematics at the University of Amsterdam.


In my spare time I enjoy exploring nature, and there's a lot of it here in Australia. (The picture above is taken in Queensland, at Carnarvon Gorge National Park.) I'm interested in Australian history, both from before and after European arrival, and visiting historical sites.

I also like reading. My current favourite authors are John Steinbeck and Jack Kerouac.

When I was younger I competed nationally (in the Netherlands) in olympic weightlifting. I still enjoy lifting, but at a lower intensity.