Ji-Hoon Park

School of Business, Hanyang University

Room 505, Business Administration Bldg, 222 Wangsimni-ro, Seongdong-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea 04763

Office: +82-2-2220-2589 | E-mail: jihoonpark@hanyang.ac.kr

Ji-Hoon Park is an assistant professor of Strategy and Entrepreneurship in the school of business at Hanyang University. He completed his Ph.D. in Management Engineering (Organization and Strategy Area) at Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST). His research interests include technology innovation management (open innovation), entrepreneurship (social entrepreneurship), strategic management, and organization studies. His work appears in peer-reviewed journals including the Research Policy, Technovation, Asian Business & Management, Technology Analysis and Strategic Management, and Asian Journal of Technology Innovation.

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Selected Publications

[SSCI] Park, J.-H. , Seo, R. Can SMEs always benefit from R&D alliances? Unraveling the contingent roles of absorptive capacity and technological opportunity on innovation effectiveness and efficiency. Eurasian Business Review, Accepted.

[SSCI] Kim, J. M., & Park, J.-H. When is digital transformation beneficial for coupled open innovation? The contingent role of the adoption of Industry 4.0 technologies. Technovation, 136: 103087.

[SSCI] Seo, R., & Park, J.-H. (2022). When is interorganizational learning beneficial for inbound open innovation of ventures? A contingent role of entrepreneurial orientation. Technovation, 116: 102514.

[SSCI] Park, J.-H. (2020). Chasing two rabbits: How social enterprises as hybrid organizations manage paradoxes. Asian Business & Management, 19(4): 407-437.

[SSCI] Park, J.-H., & Bae, Z.-T. (2018). When are ‘sharks’ beneficial? Corporate venture capital investment and startup innovation performance. Technology Analysis and Strategic Management, 30(3): 324-336.

[SSCI] Lee, J.-S., Park, J.-H., & Bae, Z.-T. (2017). The effects of licensing-in on innovative performance in different technological regimes. Research Policy, 46(2): 485-496.

[SSCI] Choi, J.-D., & Park, J.-H. (2017). The performance effect of two different dimensions of absorptive capacity and moderating role of holding-cash. Technology Analysis and Strategic Management, 29(9): 1033-1047.

Other Publications

Kim, B., Park, J.-H., & Kim, J. (2024). The effect of firms’ entrepreneurial orientation on innovation performance through business process innovation. Management Insight Review, 1(1): 1-21. (in Korean)

[KCI] Park, J.-H., & Lee, J.-E. (2024). Open social innovation activities of South Korean firms: A case study. Journal of Social Value and Enterprise, 17(1): 3-42. (in Korean) 

[KCI] Kim, J., Park, J. H., & Lee, S. (2024). A study on determinants of venture capital investments during economic booms and busts. Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship, 19(1): 1-21. (in Korean)

[SSCI] Park, J.-H., & Seo, R. (2024). A contingent value of bricolage strategy on SMEs’ organizational resilience: Lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, 11(263): 1-13. 

Youn, D., & Park, J. H. (2023). Negative Attitudes towards Companies in Korea and the Influence of Role Models from Public Media on Entrepreneurial Intention: Focusing on the Moderating Effects of Entrepreneurial Orientation. Journal of Entrepreneurship Studies, 4(2): 69-97. (in Korean)

[KCI] Nam, O., & Park, J. H. (2023). Social entrepreneurship in Kyrgyzstan: Exploring the influence of political and social environment on the process of social entrepreneurship. Asia Pacific Journal of Small Business, 45(2): 87-113.

[KCI] Seo, R., & Park, J. H. (2023). Organizational learning for innovation performance of ventures: The mediating role of entrepreneurial orientation. Knowledge Management Research, 24(2): 1-25.

[KCI] Park, J.-H., & Lee, J. (2022). The effects of coupled open innovation of small- and medium-sized enterprises on firm performance: Focusing on R&D and non-R&D innovation cooperation activities. Knowledge Management Research, 23(4): 177-205. (in Korean)

[KCI] Park, J.-H., & Seo, R. (2021). A study on the pursuit of social and economic values in social enterprises as hybrid organizations. Asia Pacific Journal of Small Business, 43(3): 75-90. (in Korean)

[SSCI] Park, J.-H., & Bae, Z.-T. (2020). Legitimation of social enterprises as hybrid organizations. Sustainability, 12(18): 7583.

[SSCI] Lee, J.-E., & Park, J.-H. (2020). Effects of socialization on adolescent sexual behaviors in Lao PDR. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 29(10): 2967-2981.

[KCI] Park, J.-H., Bae, Z.-T., & Kang, S. (2018). A study on opportunity development process of social entrepreneurs. Social Enterprise Studies, 11(3): 57-93 (in Korean)

[SSCI] Park, J.-H. (2018). Open innovation of small and medium-sized enterprises and innovation efficiency. Asian Journal of Technology Innovation, 26(2): 115-145.

[KCI] Bae, Z.-T., Kang, M-S, Kim, K.-C., & Park, J.-H. (2018). Humane entrepreneurship: Theoretical foundations and conceptual development. Journal of Small Business Innovation, 20(4): 11-21.

[KCI] Yoon, J.-H., Park, J.-H., & Bae, Z.-T. (2017). The effects of entrepreneurial ecosystem on entrepreneurial activities of social ventures: The case study of Seongsu Social Valley in Seoul, South Korea. Social Enterprise Studies, 10(1): 91-134. (in Korean)

[KCI] Lee, J.-S., Park, J.-H., & Bae, Z.-T. (2016). The effects of open innovation on innovation productivity: Focusing on external knowledge search. Knowledge Management Research, 17(1): 49-72. (in Korean)

[KCI] Park, J.-H., Lee, J.-S., & Bae, Z.-T. (2015). Inward licensing and innovative performance: Evidence from Korean manufacturing SMEs. Asia Pacific Journal of Small Business, 37(3): 99-125. (in Korean)

[KCI] Lee, J.-S., & Park, J.-H. (2013). The influence of SME’s innovation activities according to types of strategy on their perception to the opening of economics: The moderating effects of external search and market entry strategy. Journal of Technology Innovation, 21(1): 199-228. (in Korean)


Bae, Z.-T., Song, C-S, Kim, Y.-J, Kang, M-S, Park, J.-H., & Kim, K.-C. (2018). Humane Entrepreneurship. Seoul, Republic of Korea: The Maker.