
About me

Hi, I am Jiho Shin. I am a Ph.D. student in EECS at York University, Toronto.

My research interest is to adopt Deep Learning and NLP techniques for automated software engineering tasks (AI4SE).
Specifically, I investigate the reliability of LLMs in generating software engineering tasks e.g. text-to-source code generation, unit test case generation, test oracle (assertions) generation, automatic program repair (APR), code comments, code translation, etc.

Currently, I am looking for research intern positions in North America (US and Canada) to achieve better reliability of LLMs in code intelligence tasks.


Conference Papers

Journal Papers


York University, Toronto 2021 ~ Present

Dept. of EECS Ph.D.

Research Field: AI/ML for Software Engineering, Code Generation, Automated Software Testing, LLM for SE

Supervisors: Dr. Song Wang and Dr. Hadi Hemmati

Handong Global University, Pohang 2019 ~ 2021

Dept. of CSEE M.Sc.

Research Field: Code Generation, Actionable and Explainable Defect Prediction

Supervisor: Dr. Jaechang Nam

Thesis: Actionable Defect Prediction

Handong Global University, Pohang 2012 ~ 2019

Dept. of CSEE B.Sc.

Specialization: Web Application, Human-Computer Interaction, Computer Vision


York University

Graduate Research Assistant Sep. 2021 ~ Present

Teaching Assistant Sep. 2021 ~ Present

Handong Global University

Graduate Research Assistant Mar. 2019 ~ Feb. 2021

Teaching Assistant Sep. 2018 ~ Dec. 2020

Republic of Korea Navy

Military Interpreter (KOR/ENG) Feb. 2014 ~ Jan. 2016


ICST'24 Organizing Committee - Web Chair for International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation 2024.

Communications of Software Engineering Society- wrote a column on attending APSEC for Software Engineering Society, Sigsoft (2024/03).

TSE - Reviewer at Transactions on Software Engineering, 2024.Ā 

Attended conferences

CSER'24 - presented the empirical study regarding prompt engineering vs fine-tuning in ASE.

ICST'24 - organized and attended the conference as a web chair and a student volunteer.

APSEC'23 - presented XDP (eXplainable Defect Prediction) paper.

CSER'23 - presented ML-related code generation at the Consortium for Software Engineering Research.

CSER'22 - attended Consortium for Software Engineering Research.

KCSE'20 - presented the idea of change suggestions for actionable defect prediction.
