This is me in front of my poster at MAAGC 2019.

Hi, I am Jiayuan Wang [CV]. I received my Ph.D. at The George Washington University Department of Mathematics in Spring 2022. My adviser is Joel Brewster Lewis. Starting Fall 2024, I am a Teaching Assistant Professor at Lehigh University Department of Mathematics.


My research is in combinatorics. I like factorization problems in complex reflection groups.  Currently, I'm studying symmetric functions (in particular, the LLT polynomials) and totally nonnegative matrices (in particular, the nonnegativity properties of differences of products of permanents).



I use Scribble to facilitate my teaching. Here is a board from Spring 2021 and a more recent board from Spring 2024.

In Fall 2024, I am teaching two sections of Math 231 (Probability and Statistics).


Contact Info

Email:  jiw922 if-you're-not-a-computer-you-know-what-goes-here