Jiaxin Pan

I am a Professor at the University of Kassel (Germany) and Associate Professor (førsteamanuensis, part-time) at NTNU (Norway). 

Before that I was a postdoc at KIT (Germany) in the group of Dennis Hofheinz. In July 2016 I obtained my PhD from Ruhr-University Bochum (Germany) under the supervision of Eike Kiltz. I am interested in theoretical and practical cryptography in general. 

Email: first.last at uni-kassel.de 

Research Interests

I am interested in both theory and practice of cryptography, and I am passionate in using sound tools from theory of cryptography to prove security of applied cryptosystems and bridging the gap between them. My research topics include:

Research Grants


Professional Activities

Program (Co-)Chair:

Program Committee Member

Editorial Board


Organizing Committee Member