Jiaxin Pan
I am a Professor at the University of Kassel (Germany) and Associate Professor (førsteamanuensis, part-time) at NTNU (Norway).
Before that I was a postdoc at KIT (Germany) in the group of Dennis Hofheinz. In July 2016 I obtained my PhD from Ruhr-University Bochum (Germany) under the supervision of Eike Kiltz. I am interested in theoretical and practical cryptography in general.
Email: first.last at uni-kassel.de
Research Interests
I am interested in both theory and practice of cryptography, and I am passionate in using sound tools from theory of cryptography to prove security of applied cryptosystems and bridging the gap between them. My research topics include:
Techniques in achieving tight security
Foundations for secure communication, such as (password-based) key exchange protocols
Efficient quantum-secure lattice-based cryptosystems
Foundations for privacy, such as (non-interactive) zero-knowledge proof systems
Fine-grained cryptography
Research Grants
2022 – 2026: NTNU Outstanding Academic Fellows Programme (Career development award)
2021 – 2026: Principal investigator of a Young Research Talent project, Research Council of Norway, under the topic ground-breaking research (FRIPRO)
2021 – 2023: Principal investigator (jointly with Sanjam Garg from UC Berkeley) of a Peder Sather Grant
Accepted paper at CRYPTO 2024: Fine-Grained Non-Interactive Key-Exchange without Idealized Assumptions (Joint work with Yuyu Wang and Chuanjie Su)
Joined the PC of Asiacrypt 2024! Thank you for inviting me!
My great pleasure to be the program chair of PKC 2025 with Tibor Jager!
Two papers accepted at EUROCRYPT 2024! A very nice start of the year!
Very happy that our paper (with Runzhi Zeng) "Selective Opening Security in the Quantum Random Oracle Model, Revisited" got accepted at PKC 2024! Personlly speaking, it is a very nice result (beyond SOA) and I hope it will have further application of our techniques!
What an exciting year 2023!!
Starting October, I take up the Professorship of Information Security at the University of Kassel (Germany). Grateful for this opportunity and also the past fantastic years at NTNU.
During the summer, 2 of my papers got accepted at the prestigious Journal of Cryptology; and 3 papers at ASIACRYPT 2023. Together with early acceptance at CRYPTO and EUROCRYPT, I got my grand slam of Cryptology this year.
Professional Activities
Program (Co-)Chair:
IACR PKC: 2025
Program Committee Member
Editorial Board
IACR Communications in Cryptology
Journals: ACM Transactions on Algorithms; Journal of Cryptology; Designs, Codes, and Cryptography; IET Information Security; Theoretical Computer Science.
Organizing Committee Member