Hi! I am Jiawei. Welcome to my webpage.

I am currently a Lecturer in Probability at the University of Edinburgh. Previously, I was the Zeev Nehari visiting assistant professor at Carnegie Mellon University (2019-2022). I obtained my doctorate from the University of Oxford in 2019, under the supervision of Prof. Zhongmin Qian

My research interests are probabilistic methods and their applications in physics and engineering. Recently, I have been interested in the probabilistic characterisation of turbulent fields and probabilistic numerical schemes in the study of hydrodynamics. I am also interested in Malliavin calculus and its applications in SPDEs.

My CV can be found here (last update in September 2023).

Office: JCMB 4613, King's Building Campus, University of Edinburgh

Email: jiawei.li@ed.ac.uk

I am the co-organiser of the North British Probability Seminar at the University of Edinburgh this academic year. 

If you are interested in doing a PhD with me, please get in touch. 

Freddie Li

Selected Publications and Preprints:
