Jiaqi Liu

I am a Postdoctoral Fellow in Applied Mathematics and Computational Science (AMCS) at the University of Pennsylvania.  I am very fortunate to have Robin Pemantle and  Xin Sun as my mentors. I obtained my Ph.D. in Mathematics from the University of California, San Diego in 2022. My advisor is Jason Schweinsberg. Prior to UCSD, I received my Bachelor's degree in Mathematics and Applied Mathematics at Beijing Normal University.  Here is my CV.

Email: liujiaqi@sas.upenn.edu

Office: DRL 3N4C

Research interests

I work in probability theory. I am broadly interested in random models with branching structures that have backgrounds in physics or biology, including branching Brownian motion and coalescence, population models and conformal loop ensembles. Here is my research statement and Google Scholar profile.

Manuscripts in Preparation


Invited Talks

Contributed Talks and Posters


I am currently the instructor for Math 1400 Calculus at Upenn. From 2017-2022, I taught as a teaching assistant in fifteen courses ranging from pre-calculus to graduate level probability courses at UCSD. Below are the section notes I prepared for some of the classes I TA-ed for.