Jiannan Cai

RGC Postdoctoral Fellow

Institute of Space and Earth Information Science

The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Email: jncai@cuhk.edu.hk

Address: Fok Ying Tung Remote Sensing Science Building, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, Hong Kong, China

Jiannan Cai

Dr. Jiannan Cai is an RGC Postdoctoral Fellow at the Institute of Space and Earth Information Science, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. He is currently supported by an RGC Postdoctoral Fellowship awarded by the Research Grants Council of Hong Kong. He was a Ph.D. visiting scholar in the Spatial Computing Research Group at the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities from Mar. 2018 to Feb. 2019. He received the Ph.D. degree in GIScience and B.E. degree in Surveying and Mapping Engineering from the Central South University in Dec. 2019 and Jun. 2014, respectively. His research focuses on developing new geospatial data science concepts and approaches to uncover interesting spatiotemporal patterns hidden in geospatial big data and to facilitate the understanding of complex associations between human activities and urban environments.

Research Interests

Spatial Data Science, Urban Computing, Human Mobility, Environmental Health

Work Experience


Date modified: Sep. 18, 2022