Jiang Bian, Ph.D.

Senior Principal Researcher and Research Manager, Microsoft Research Asia

Director of MSR Asia Industry Innovation Center 

Work Email: jiang.bian@microsoft.com

Personal Email: jiang.bian.prc@gmail.com 


I am a Principal Researcher and Research Manager at Microsoft Research. And, I am currently playing the Director of MSR Asia Industry Innovation Center (MIIC). I am leading this center with the mission of building up innovative and disruptive technologies as well as forward-looking insights to drive the digital transformation for important industries. We have been focusing on designing cutting-edge machine learning algorithms into real-world application scenarios, including finance, supply-chain, healthcare and sustainability. 

Prior to that, I was a Senior Scientist in Yidian Inc., a startup company in China, where I have been working on recommendation and search problems. I also used to work at Yahoo! Labs and did a lot of studies on content optimization and personalization for Yahoo!'s key content modules as well as local content search and recommendation for Yahoo!'s local services.

I received my B.S. from Peking University (2006) and Ph.D. from Georgia Institute of Technology (2010), both in Computer Science. My dissertation was on information retrieval, data mining, and machine learning techniques on general Web search and social media search, advised by Prof. Hongyuan Zha.

I authored tens of academic research papers receiving hundreds of citations, filed a couple of U.S. patents, and served as PC member/Peer reviewer for a few international conferences and journals. 
