About me
About me
I am a postdoc (03/2024-12/2024) in the Department of Mathematics of University of Vienna hosted by Prof. Alberto Minguez.
Before that (10/2021-02/2024), I was a postdoc in the Department of Mathematics of Technion hosted by Prof. Max Gurevich.
Before that (09/2018-09/2021), I was a Ph.D. student at Université Paris Saclay (UVSQ) and obtained a Ph.D. degree under the supervision of Prof. Vincent Sécherre.
Before that (09/2016-08/2018), I was a master student (M1 and M2) at Université Paris Saclay (U-PSUD) supported by the scholarship of FMJH.
Earlier (09/2012-06/2016), I was an undergraduate student at Fudan University.
Email: idealzjd AT gmail.com
Office: OMP1 05.123, Oskar-Morgenstern-Platz 1, 1090 Wien