Jian Wang (王健)
I am a postdoc at IHES. I obtained my Ph.D. at Berkeley under the supervision of Maciej Zworski.
I am interested in Microlocal Analysis, PDE, and Fluid Mechanics.
Contact: wangjian at ihes dot fr
My UNC email is deactivated, please do not send message to it!
Here is my CV.
Papers and Preprints
Transport of nonlinear oscillations along rays that graze a convex obstacle to any order, with Mark Williams, 2023.
Damping for fractional wave equations and applications to water waves, with Thomas Alazard and Jeremy L. Marzuola, 2023.
Control estimates for 0th order pseudodifferential operators, with Hans Christianson and Ruoyu P. T. Wang, Int. Math. Res. Not. IMRN, 2024 (2024), no. 8, 6656-6679.
The scattering phase: seen at last, with Jeffrey Galkowski, Pierre Marchand and Maciej Zworski, SIAM J. Appl. Math., 84 (2024), no. 1, 246-261.
Mathematics of internal waves in a 2D aquarium, with Semyon Dyatlov and Maciej Zworski, to appear in Anal. PDE, 2021.
Dynamics of resonances for 0th order pseudodifferential operators, Comm. Math. Phys. 391 (2022), 643-668.
The scattering matrix for 0th order pseudodifferential operators, Ann. Inst. Fourier (Grenoble) 73 (2023), no. 5, 2185-2237.
Strichartz estimates for convex co-compact hyperbolic surfaces, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 147 (2019), 873-883.
Expository Notes
Microlocal analysis of internal wave attractors, Rev. Math. Phys., 2024, published online.
In Spring 2024, I am teaching "Discrete Mathematics" and "First Course in Differential Equations"